substance P eventually produced in that area decreases, reducing pain in the area. oligosaccharides, flavonoids, and selenium, all of which may be beneficial to health. Garlic’s But this doesn’t mean you should active compound, called allicin, gives it its go rubbing chile peppers where characteristic odor and is you have pain. Chile peppers need produced when garlic bulbs are to be handled very carefully, chopped, crushed, or otherwise because they can cause burns if they come in contact with the skin. damaged. Several studies suggest that Therefore, if you have pain and increased garlic intake reduces the want to harness the power of chile risk of cancers of the stomach, peppers, ask your oncologist or colon, esophagus, pancreas, and physician about prescribing a breast. It appears that garlic may capsaicin cream. It has shown protect against cancer through pretty good results with regard to numerous mechanisms, including treatingneuropathic pain (sharp, by inhibiting bacterial infections shocking pain that follows the and the formation of cancerpath of a nerve) after surgery for causing substances, promoting cancer. DNA repair, and inducing cell Another benefit of chile peppers is death. Garlic supports that they may help with detoxification and may also indigestion. Seems support the immune system and counterintuitive, right? But some help reduce blood pressure. studies have shown that ingesting small amounts of cayenne may reduce indigestion. 7 Chamomile 70 | P a g e bowel syndrome and food poisoning. Peppermint appears to calm the muscles of the stomach and improve the flow of bile, enabling food to pass through the stomach more quick ǒखb