about it. She did not know how he would react. She feared above a platonic confrontation between both men. She couldn’t stand to have such delicate journeys get out of hand. She heard Steve bounce the ball on the white floor and turned around curiously. He had a ball and the wine. He seemed happy with himself, she observed. That was a good sign because she was ready for him “What do you have in mind Steve?” “Plenty.” “Tell me.” She heaved. “First of all, grab this!” he plunged the ball into Alana’s direction. She almost grabbed it, but missed it narrowly. She held the ball in her hands and realized it was a light ball. “You bought this for the swimming pool?” she said curiously. “Yes, it was a great idea. Don’t you think?” “Of course.” She tossed the ball lightly as Steve rushed back inside the house again. This time he came back quickly with two glasses for the wine. “You will love this.” He said happily. “The wine?” she asked “Of course my dear.” “You know I love wine ,Steve.” “Do you want a glass now or will you drink later perhaps? He said with a teasing wink. “Later.” She said. Steve nodded his head and plunged back into the water. He swam closer to her so that they were a few inches from each other. Alana could smell beer on his breath. She raised her brows in amazement. “Have you been drinking?” “I took a sip, think.” “Wow.” She was not surprised by Steve’s behavior. He got a hold of the ball and tossed it to the far end. “The first to get it wins!” they both swam hard to get the ball. Alana’s speed wasn’t as fast before because Steve had somehow reached the ball before she could. 30 | P a g e