a better life!” “I have got an asthma attack!” she said. Ahmed shook his head in amazement. “I wouldn’t let you die on the field, besides I know that you want to run back to your boyfriend.” “Why would you say that?” “It’s obvious you don’t care about useless soldiers like us.” “It’s not true.” She said boldly “It’s true.” He insisted “Please, please, please.” She wanted him not to feel so jealous about her boy friend. He silently drew closer to her. She could see desire in his eyes. He touched her briefly. She was sitting while he leaned closer into her. “Then stay.” He pleaded. “I am sick.” “Stay, I know you can. I will give you anything you want. I know, the drinking water, the milk tea.” “It’s impossible. I would not let you go through all that for me.” “I can let you sleep all you want. I will buy you food from a hotel in town!” “Thank you very much, but I am scared. I am really scared. I have to see the doctor. I promise to come back.” “When will that be?” “After check up, I will immediately come back.” “Alright.” He touched her face briefly and lightly before turning around to leave. Alana shrieked out of her thoughts at the shrill sound of her ringing phone. Anxiety shot through her body as she realized Ahmed could be calling her right now. “Your phone!” Steve said from behind her. “Let it ring.” “Why? It could be important.” “Important?” Steve swam next to her and said; “You have become like the princess 28 | P a g e