clouds that hovered tantalizingly over her and so far away. It felt beautiful and serene for a moment. However her mind was jumbled with thoughts she had so far unsuccessfully pushed out of her mind. Today she had agreed to swim with Steve her one year old boy friend. She would have soaked in milk given the choice because she needed it. She could have swum in honey or wine if it could only make her feel fresh again. She did not feel clean enough these days, and thanks to the camp she had attended recently. Life had taught her a lesson to never take anything for granted. A life of luxury given to you on a silver plate was not a torment but a gift. It was a gift to thank the gods and your ancestors for because they brought you up into such fine lines of providence. She wanted Steve to quickly want to have a baby again. She prayed for it. She wanted him to rush her into the hospital when her water was bursting. He would then do what was expected of him. Take the bride price home for their marriage to take place. She still couldn’t believe her life could have been taken away from her last month in one snap. Steve was her life and she couldn’t deny it any more. If only this water could turn into wine…she wished for a splinting moment. She came up in the water and looked around to see if Steve was coming to join her. He was nowhere in sight. She felt frantic though not scared. She badly needed his company. He had to be somewhere inside the house looking for something. She dived back into the water with arms outstretched in a yoga style. The chatting sounds of recruits singing their war songs in the sun flashed into her mind. She was there once again in the hot sun burning her bare face till her eyes squint. It made her scrawl her face into a weird expression. A huge wave of bodies moved along with her. She felt sweaty and exhausted with the bad stench of human odor threatening her nostrils. Her feet too felt sour and almost bare like she was walking on the stones with bare feet, yet she was wearing new snickers. She moved along like an ocean current clashing with sea stones and stopping abruptly only to be shocked into movement again. This was because her energy was draining out faster than the rush hour. She felt like a rock that could not 23 | P a g e