sympathetic biography, her afterlife shows signs of becoming finally
blessed with understanding, admiration and respect.
o A Just and Upright Man by John Lynch is one of nine books
shortlisted for the U.S.-based Historical Novel's Society's
$5,000 2015 Indie Award. The title is the first in a five-book
James Blakiston series of historical romance/crime novels set in
the 1760s with a narrative focused on the lives of the povertystricken workers of the time.
o A novel about a 1970s Midwestern family with a most unusual
sibling, Karen Fowler's "We Are All Completely Beside
Ourselves," has won the PEN/Faulkner prize for fiction.
The $15,000 award was announced Wednesday by the directors of
the PEN/Faulkner Foundation, Susan Richards Shreve and Robert
Le portrait magazine