important thing in a marriage. Dr. Corey Allan says it well on his
blog Simple Marriage, “Marriage is about growing us up.” And guess
what? Growing pains hurt.
Our culture gives us so many messages about how this ‘thing’ or that
‘thing’ will make us happy and fulfilled. Yet, if we approach our
marriage with an attitude that asks, “What are you going to do for me
to make me happy?” Your marriage is going to be a tough road.
Marriage is about growing and learning to be a better person. Its not
about being happy all the time.
5. We fail to create a stable marriage when we compare our
marriage to others.
“Oh, the Phillips family down the street has the greatest, most happy
marriage that I have ever seen!” Sure, but what about the stuff you
don’t see? When we start comparing our marriage to other marriages,
we set our relationships up for failure. When we compare, we are
taking what we know about our relationship and comparing it to
what we DON’T know about someone else’s. This can cause
bitterness and dissatisfaction, which breeds contempt. No marriage
needs that.
6. We fail to create a stable marriage when we make our
marriage about romantic feelings.
Passion eventually fades. To make your marriage last you have to be
committed to your spouse no matter how you feel. The romantic
feelings may come and go, but your feelings of togetherness and
bondedness don’t have to quit. Become a student of your spouse;
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