LE PORTRAIT MAGAZINE 85 pages | Page 21

21 “No? But you called me with blood.” Eva looked at the cut on her hand. Oh, hells. There were rituals that used blood and they were deeply binding contracts with the Fae, but she hadn’t invoked one of those. Except…the tree she had stumbled against. Gods and saints. What kind of tree had it been? “I have to point out, the cut happened after Giancarlo screamed.” “I didn’t scream. I yelled.” She glared at him. “Fine, you yelled. The point being that he yelled because you appeared so I could not have summoned you with blood.” “But you did.” Nita’s face twisted into a scowl, sharpening the inhuman lines. “Not the piddling amount dribbling from your hand but with the blood of my family.” “I—I’m sorry. What?” “You gave Cennetig the tools to kill my family.” “Nita…I don’t know what happened, but please believe me when I say that I had no part in it.” Eva held her hands out in a placating gesture, aware of the knife she wore. “Did you not? Did you not send Cennetig with meat cooked on iron?” Her mouth pulled back to reveal her teeth, sharp like a bear’s. “Did not my husband and my son eat this tainted flesh and die?” Eva pressed her hand to her mouth in horror. Cennetig had asked for hot dogs to take with him, but— They hadn’t affected him. She had no reason to think that they were dangerous. LE PORTRAIT MAGAZINE Page 21