Le Nuage Issue One | Page 2

CONTENTS PAGE editor’s letter To quote Martin Luther King’s speech ‘ I have a dream’ would at first seem pretentious for a teenage girl creating a magazine about fashion, following her life-long dream of being a part of the industry she has worshipped for so long. However, I can justify using this quote. I promise. For the majority of my teenage life I have been obsessed by fashion: its power, its seduction and, ultimately, how it can give a teenage girl hope to express herself through a manner of dress and literature. Once I reached seventeen, I started doubting the industry I was going into, thinking: Why are there so many white models? Why are so many successful people in the industry from aristocratic, or just plain rich, families? Why are we all such sheep and not changing an industry that, frankly, can be quite old-fashioned at times? So, for this magazine I decided to stop asking and just do. I wanted to do what felt natural, what felt like me, what felt like I could possibly make some small change to the industry that I love so dearly. Fashion is an industry that ultimately is designed to celebrate our individualities and encourages us to dress in a manner that expresses our true selves. This has been done by the likes of the late Isabella Blow, a superb fashion editor in her time who wore fashion as a reflection of herself and her own needs. But it wasn’t just this that separates people like Isabella Blow from the crowd, it’s also using fashion as an art form that allows us to truly enjoy its boundaries. Le Nuage is the french translation of ‘Cloud’, which is, in fact, my middle name. I chose this as the title to allow the magazine to become truly my own, an expression of myself, and, in a sense, something I could wear proudly. The Le Nuage woman is someone who chooses to change her surroundings rather than herself, who chooses to give a voice to those who do not and who chooses to celebrate all women(and men) for their achievements. As the former US secretary Madeleine Albright said “There is a special place in hell reserved for women who do not help other women.” 1 RUBY ABBISS LONDON FASHION WEEK 25 The Great Condé 15 3-4 LFW Introduction 5-6 Belle Sauvage 7-8 Napsugar 9-12 Tata Naka 13-16 Giles 17-20 Jamie Wei Huang 21-22 Street Style 24 True Fashion Bible BOOK REVIEWS 41 21 Nast 26 A Psychological Understanding 27-34 Colour Me Happy 35-40 Androgyny 41-46 Sweet Like Candy EDITORIALS 48 INTERVIEWS 59-60 Fashion Buyer and Illustrator Rachell Khoo 61-64 Fashion Photographer Sarah Louise Johnson 49 54 31 48 The Editor-in-Chief 49-52 Lock Up Your Daughters 53-54 Isabella Blow Le Nuage Muses 57-58 French Fashion Photographers Antoine and Charlie 39