LCSD Excellence May 2021 Edition | Page 29

The month of May brings us to the end of another year, and this spring has provided multiple opportunities for Lauderdale County student-athletes to showcase their skills on fields, courts, and tracks all across Mississippi. We had multiple teams make the playoffs in baseball and softball, as well as track and field, tennis, and golf.

We wish to congratulate West Lauderdale High School on winning their 15th State Championship in baseball! I am happy to say that Lauderdale County has been represented well, and our student-athletes always play with an attitude of good sportsmanship, hard work, and a desire to compete.

These ideals are at the core of what we hope is taught and instilled by our coaches to help our student-athletes to accomplish great things in life. I continue to look forward to great times ahead for LCSD in athletics in the 2021-2022 school year.

Lauderdale County School District

5701 Water Tower Road

Meridian, MS 39301

Phone: 601-485-0847

Fax: 601-485-1759

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Mr. Julius Moore

Athletic Director/Transportation Director

Mr. Julius Moore

Athletic Director/Transportation Director