LCSD Excellence January 2020 Edition LCSD Excellence January 2020 Edition | Page 17
301 46th Court | P.O. BOX 5498 | MERIDIAN, MS 39302-5498
• 16th Section - Mrs. Dale Burcham
Career and Technical Education - Mr. Kevin Cheatham
• Child Nutrition Director - Mrs. Katina Dixon
Communications - Ms. Andrea Williams
Curriculum and Instruction - Mrs. Sandy Reid and
Mrs. Karen Williams
Federal Programs/iNOW/MSIS - Dr. DeShannon Davis
Finance - Mr. George Hedgepeth
Operations - Mr. Steve Marlow
Personnel /Assistant Superintendent - Mr. Ed Mosley
School Nurses - Dr. DeShannon Davis
Special Services - Mrs. Diane Freeman
Student Assessment - Mr. Ken Hardy
Superintendent - Dr. John-Mark Cain
Technology Coordinator - Mr. Trent Airhart
Transportation/Athletic Director - Mr. Tim Moore
Our Special Thanks to our School PR
Representatives for making LCSD Excellence possible:
Clarkdale - Debbie Fant
Northeast Elementary - Heather Henry
Northeast Middle School - Mary Pierce
Northeast High School - Casey Clark
Southeast Elementary - Keri Wright
Southeast Middle School - Sandy Smith
Southeast High School - Kim Davis
West Lauderdale Elementary - Cathy Gordon
West Lauderdale Middle School - Robin Gressett
West Lauderdale High School - Jena Wiggins
"It is the policy of the Lauderdale County School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
national origin, sexual orientation, age or disability in its educational programs or employment policies. Any persons
having inquiries concerning the LCSD's compliance with Title II, Title IV, Title VI, Title IX, and/or Section 504, may con-
tact the Assistant Superintendent or the Director of Special Services at 601-693-1683."