When you have your first warm , sunny day following a week of snow and ice , you move your classes outside and enjoy the sunshine !
We appreciate our healthcare workers ! We made cards and signs to encourage them and let them know they are appreciated .
The LCSD School Board visited our campus . They were greeted by our team of Student Ambassadors and given a tour . Some of the things they saw include celebration of growth , student work , and student artwork .
Happy Valentine ’ s Day ! Students at NEE celebrated Valentine ’ s Day in a variety ways .
December and January CAB Party was a huge success . Mrs . Weir and Mrs . Mosley went to each class and served students who earned their CAB Party with hot chocolate .
We have been celebrating Black History Month all month at NEE ! We have displays in the halls , special guests are reading books to us each morning , we ’ ve had a ‘ Who Am I ’ contest daily , and each classroom is focusing in their own way as well .