LCSD COVID-19 Tips for Parents and Caregivers Volume I | Page 4

SILLY ANIMAL WALKS Octopus Wiggles Start in the seated position on the floor. Attempt to lift both legs off the ground at the same time while wig- gling your legs and arms. Alligator Push-Ups Lay on your belly and push up into a plank with your hands and toes. As you walk, push up with your hands while trying to keep your body as straight as possible. Bear Walk Start in the standing position. Bend over and put both hands on the ground. Now, walk forward with the same leg and arm. So, move your right arm and right leg forward, then the left leg and arm at the same time, then repeat. Elephant Walk Start in the standing position and bend over with your hands held together. Keeping your back straight and parallel with the floor, hang your hands under your shoulders and swing them back and forth as you walk with straight legs across the floor. Donkey Kicks Starting in the standing position, lean over and put both hands and both feet on the ground. When the area around you is clear, jump with your legs and kick behind you, leaving your hands on the ground. SEL Competency: Self-Regulation Animal walks are simple exercises that involve core strength, balance, and agility. They are a good example of “heavy work” which helps calm sensory systems, increase impulse control, and develop self-regulation. 800.388.6247