LCSD COVID-19 Mental Health Awareness Volume I | Page 7
Changing the way we see negative situations, reframing common negative thoughts, and practicing gratitude have been shown to reduce sadness and
anxiety. This worksheet walks you through different ways to rethinking situations or thoughts.
What is the situation you are facing that makes you feel bad? Or what is a common
negative thought you struggle with? _________________________________________________
Even though the situation is hard, is
there something you have learned
from it or some other silver lining?
If you could go back and change the
original thought, what's a healthier
thing you can say to yourself?
For instance, if you’ve just lost a loved one after they have
been extremely sick, does it feel healthier to think about their
death as an end to their pain?
Are there other things going on in
your life that you are thankful for?
This doesn’t have to be related to the situation above. For
instance, you can be thankful for your good health, having a
stable home to live in, or a recent promotion at work.
how can you reinforce your reframed thoughts and remind yourself of what you
are thankful for? make a list of ways.
Example: Copy what you’ve written in the boxes above onto post-it notes and stick them in places around your house as visual reminders.