LCPS Prospectus | Page 12

Join in our Journey We recognise that the partnership between home and school is crucial in securing the very best outcomes for children, both pastorally and academically. There are many ways in which parents can get involved with the life of the school: •  Curriculum workshops, welcome assemblies and stay and play sessions help families understand what their child is doing at school. •  Parent consultation evenings are a great opportunity for a 2 way conversation about your child’s learning journey. •  Parents are often invited into school, at the end of a unit of work, to celebrate their child’s learning and join in some fun and creative activities. •  We have the support of a very active PTA that is always on the lookout for new members to support fund raising events across the school year; this is a great way to get to know other families and learn more about the life of the school. •  Our Local Council (previously the Governing Body) has 2 places for parents. When vacancies arise, this is a great way to make a positive contribution to the strategic direction of the school. 12