LCD Monitor Repair Made Easy [PDF] LCD Monitor Repair Made Easy | Page 9

off). However, since the recession, computer sales have slowed down and at the same time more and more people have been coming to ask me to repair their computers (monitor problems being a main issue). So I started looking for "teach yourself" guides, and I stumbled across LCD Monitor Repair Made Easy. I read it from cover to cover and watched the videos, and started practicing on some old parts I had lying around. In about ten days I was confident enough to start accepting repair jobs from clients, and now I've been doing it for 2 months. Guess what, the profit I'm making from LCD monitor repairs have became my top income source...I just wish I had found your system earlier!! " --Tom Smith from London, UK "I've managed to repair an old faulty LCD monitor in 5 minutes" "Bob, I'm an accountant working at a busy office and we literally call the tech guys every week because there is always something going wrong with the PCs. Monitors blowing out is a frequent occurrence, and generally we'd just buy new ones because we get asked $75+ for repairs. Well last week I saw the tech guys repair one in just a few minutes and I couldn't see how they could charge that insane amount of money for that! So I went online and started reading about what was involved in LCD monitor repair and came across your guide. I've very happy I got it as one week later