LCD Monitor Repair Made Easy [PDF] LCD Monitor Repair Made Easy | Page 7

your pocket after each repair. Introduction to the principles of Electronics. Electronic testing devices - digital multi meters, internal/external power supply, functions generators, Oscilloscope, LCR Meter. LCD monitor Parts - Inverters, VGA Circuit, Power Supply Boards etc... Passive and Active Matrix LCD Monitors, LCD Screens. Advanced Fringe Field Switching, Multi domain vertical alignment, Patterned Vertical Alignment and Advanced Super View. Repairing stuck and dead pixels, rippling patterns, power supply issues, dead pixels, low quality images, horizontal or vertical solid lines. Repairing monitor flickering, wild patters, colored screen (green pink red), dimming side and operating system problems. And... much, much more! And here are just some of the results that LCD Monitor Repair Made Easy™ has achieved for my clients...