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Last Impressions / Kaira Rouda



Kaira Rouda

Local author Kaira Rouda

L aguna Beach author Kaira Rouda says she likes to write about grownups behaving badly . And she finds abundant inspiration all around .

Once she has an idea , she runs with it .
“ I write by the seat of my pants ,” she says . “ No outline , no idea where the story will go . I start with a character and , usually , a title . And the story builds from there .”
The prolific novelist released “ The Second Mrs . Strom ” in August and “ What the Nanny Saw ” is slated to come out Nov . 13 , both published by British publisher Bookouture .
“[ They ] are stand-alone sequels to my first big breakout book , ‘ Best Day Ever ,’ ” Rouda says . “ I ’ m so excited for people who have read ‘ Best Day Ever ’ to reconnect with Paul Strom again , and his new wife , Cecilia , on their romantic … trip to Paris . Even if you haven ’ t read the first book , you can jump right in .”
The telling tagline for “ The Second Mrs . Strom ” is : I don ’ t want a perfect marriage — I want revenge . “ I love to write stories about what is beneath the surface of seemingly perfect lives ,” Rouda says .
Rouda and her husband , Harley , a former Congressman , live in Laguna ’ s Emerald Bay neighborhood . They moved to town 14 years ago from Malibu . While Rouda ’ s family goes back five generations in California , she moved around a lot as a child due to her father ’ s job as a professor at various universities . Meanwhile , her husband and his family have deep roots in Ohio , so they lived there for 20 years before making it out to California .
Rouda pursued several different careers before becoming a novelist . She and her husband started Real Living — a lifestyle real estate brand that recognized the significant role of women in making or influencing home purchases — which was franchised and expanded into 22 states . That led to her first book , “ Real You Incorporated : 8 Essentials for Women Entrepreneurs ,” later followed by her first novel .
Now , Rouda is on track to have four books come out in a little over a year . “ Last September , ‘ Beneath the Surface ’ came out and was quickly optioned for a feature film , which is exciting ,” Rouda says .
“ ‘ Beneath the Surface ’ introduces the ruthless Kingsley family of Newport Beach ,” Rouda explains . “ I like to describe it as ‘ Succession ’
meets ‘ White Lotus .’ ‘ Beneath the Surface ’ takes place on a mega yacht trip to Catalina Island . Book two , ‘ Under the Palms ,’ published in May of this year , … features the same family — at least those who survived the yacht — on a weekend retreat to The Twin Palms , inspired by the Montage Laguna Beach .
“ Both novels were so fun to write because it was like being on vacation in my mind . I had no idea that the next two books would be slated so soon after , but they are , and I can say I ’ ll likely not ever have four books in a year again . It ’ s been a bit exhausting , but fun .”
LAGUNA BEACH MAGAZINE : What do you like about living in Laguna Beach ? KAIRA ROUDA : What ’ s not to like , truly ? After spending so many years in Ohio , I never take for granted the sparkling views , the ocean breeze , the soft sand beneath your feet . I love our town , and how special it is . I love everything about living in Laguna Beach .
LBM : Any favorite spots in town ? KR : I love Heisler Park … and then walking to the Laguna Art Museum and seeing the latest exhibit , and then heading into town . There are so many special places . … [ Some are ] Brussel ’ s Bistro for mussels , GG ’ s [ Bistro ] for the meze platter , 230 Forest [ Avenue ] for french fries — a publication day tradition — and Alessa [ by Chef Pirozzi ] for great Italian food .
LBM : What genres do you like to read ? KR : I read widely , but because I ’ m a domestic suspense / psychological fiction writer , I read a lot in that genre . I also founded and co-host a show called “ Killer Author Club ,” where we interview the top-selling suspense authors in the business , live , every other Tuesday . Check out killerauthorclub . com for more .
LBM : You also do a lot of volunteer work . Why is giving back important to you ? KR : It ’ s an old adage , but it is true : The more you give back , the more you grow as a person . I ’ ve never regretted spending time volunteering and wish I was doing more — always . g