LBM Eat+Drink-Digital | Page 26



Creativity took center stage last month when the Festival of Arts ’ annual Runway Fashion Show featured ensembles made from reclaimed , recycled and repurposed materials . Among these transformed treasures was a gown adorned with 312 tea bag covers designed by printmaker Anne Moore , who received the Most Creative Concept award for this design , dubbed “ Breakfast at Tea-fany ’ s .” Meanwhile , glass artist Cody Nicely received the award for Most Exciting Ensemble Inspired by a Fashion Designer for his mermaidshaped skirt assembled with hand-dyed CDs , fishing line and beach trash . Painter Elizabeth McGhee was honored with Most Innovative Use of Materials for a whimsical dress composed of recycled socks . And , lastly , painter Nancy Swan earned both the People ’ s Choice Award and Most Glamorous and Elegant Red Carpet Worthy Creation for a tribute to costume designer Edith Head : Her dress

Making Music Together

Models wearing outfits made of repurposed materials in the Festival of Arts ’ Runway Fashion Show
was constructed from trash bags , bubble wrap and newspapers . In addition to showcasing these and other innovative sartorial selections , this year ’ s event also collected gently used professional attire for nonprofit Working Wardrobes in exchange for free festival admission . The response was overwhelming ,
with bins and racks overflowing at the donation table . And , commemorating the runway show ’ s 15th anniversary , a retrospective of recycled couture by W . Bradley Elsberry was presented , including his denim collection assembled from 50 pairs of thrift store jeans . ( foapom . com ) — S . S .
Music performances highlighted a celebration of The Drake Gives ’ new partnership with several other organizations to support music education for kids .
Local nonprofit The Drake Gives has teamed up with the Playing for Change Foundation and UC Irvine ’ s Power of Music initiative and Samueli Academy to increase music education at the Santa Ana charter school , which serves foster youth and the local community . As part of this partnership , celebrated during an Aug . 28 event , additional funding will allow the school to hire another music instructor , add many classes , offer more instruments , increase major performance opportunities and provide master classes by well-known artists . The school ’ s performing arts department now includes choir , instrumental music , theater and dance . During the partnership ’ s launch party , students , families and friends enjoyed local food and a performance by their own school band , The Minors , as well as musical presentations by Samueli students , staff and alumni . Additionally , Universal Music artist Pamé performed to a packed crowd . The Drake Gives , founded by Alec Glasser , owner and founder of The Drake restaurant and live music venue in Laguna Beach , aims to promote the power of music to impact people ’ s lives . The charity , which raises money to support music education especially among underserved youth , also created the Power of Music initiative with UCI ’ s School of Social Ecology as a way to leverage music to enhance education , promote well-being , and inspire social change both locally and globally . ( 949-376-1000 ; thedrakelaguna . com ) — S . S .