LBindy_9.15.23 | Page 19

lagunabeachindy . com SEPTEMBER 15 , 2023 19


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He broke the law and now will have to live with the consequences of his defiant behavior . Denny Freidenrich , Laguna Beach
Too often , the city receives many complaints about how different projects are conceived and implemented . We wish to thank the city for successfully widening the street in upper Bluebird Canyon Drive . We have lived in the same house for 56 years . The reason we have remained in our home is because of the natural beauty and tranquility that the canyon provides all of us who enjoy living here . When the street widening project was proposed , our first reaction was to question why it was necessary . We were worried that the project and the results would disrupt our precious environment . We understand the importance of having a wide spot in the road to allow for the logistics needed during emergencies . Our compliments are mostly aimed at the construction company that was selected . Not only did they complete the project in record time , but they did it in a professional and non-intrusive manner . All of the workers performed with incredible efficiency . The flagmen kept traffic moving , and the work crews moved quickly and efficiently . Every day , they did a complete cleanup of the area , thus cutting down on dust issues . We took particular note of the fact that the lead engineer on the project was on the job every day , all day long . He oversaw every phase of the project . Most important of all was the final product . They listened to the neighbors ’ feedback by finishing the project in a way that aesthetically aligns with the feeling the canyon has to offer . Dave & Pam Hagen , Laguna Beach
This letter is in response to Tom Osborne ’ s Sept . 9 column “ Opinion : Green Light : Deflection is the New Denial of Climate Change .” Dr . Osborne ’ s position is clear , reasonably stated and scientifically backed .
Dr . Osborne provides a sensible , accurate and scholarly approach ( for example , citing credible experts and listing his information sources ) as he illuminates an obvious tactic being utilized by Skip Hellewell and the oil industry .
Deflection is a powerful tool , which is why it is so widely , frequently and successfully used .
As concerned citizens of this community , we have an obligation to ourselves and our neighbors to respond to inaccurate and deceitful claims made by the little fish and the big fish in these ponds we call Laguna Beach and Earth . Sue Stewart , Laguna Beach
The Laguna Beach City Council is the gatekeeper of our quality of life in Laguna Beach . They are responsible for our city running smoothly . This also involves the best use of public funds entrusted to their stewardship . That said , I believe we have lost our way .
First , we just lost one of the most effective , talented and experienced city managers we have had , Shohreh Dupuis . A small lobby , led by Mr . George Weiss , was responsible for the expenditure of a half million dollars to avoid further costly litigation . Why did the city council allow this situation to continue to the point that we lost a critically important and effective employee ? Today , we arrive at a point where the city council prefers to preserve the source of the toxic environment instead of protecting a valuable asset , our city manager .
I remember that the rationale was “ A responsible stewardship of public funds .”
Let ’ s see now . We are into this for half a million dollars .
We have now hired an interim city manager . A previous decision was to have the assistant city manager Mr . Gavin Curran fill this gap . Mr . Curran is knowledgeable of all city programs and the momentum of each . He is already on the city payroll , so there is no financial impact except for a small “ bump in pay ” for added responsibility . Retreating from this decision , the city council hired an interim city manager . Mr . Sean Joyce was their choice . It will take a considerable amount of time for him to be effective . This will also distract the assistant city manager . Mr . Curran will carry the day while the temporary city manager figures things out . In five months , we will have found a new city manager , and the process will have to be repeated . Does this make sense ?
Our interim city manager will be making $ 143 per hour . It further stated that his contract limits him to work a total of 960 working hours in a fiscal year . That equates to $ 137,280 . The restricted hours work against being effective in his new job .
Bottom line : Mr . Weiss and the city council have cost us , the taxpayers , $ 500,000 in compensation to Shohreh Dupuis and $ 137,280 for a temporary city manager . I ask you , “ Is the expenditure of $ 637,280 , plus substantial attorney fees for consultation and drafting the separation agreement , responsible stewardship of public funds ? Why does the council protect Mr . George Weiss to perpetuate the toxic work environment at city hall ? True leadership demands prioritizing spending our money that benefits all citizens - not just the convenience of the council .
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