LBindy_7.19.24 | Page 18

18 lagunabeachindy . com JULY 19 , 2024




PAGE 16 the relevant experience and expertise , was excluded from the process . At this point , it should not surprise you that the treasurer will not be playing a major role in overseeing the outsourcing contract or its related performance . Now , the city is considering a recommendation to reduce the pay for the treasurer position because they have reduced the required hours .
Was this the plan all along ? You get what you pay for . If you want to keep your elected treasurer position as is , contact City Council .
The City Council must respect the treasurer ’ s role to foster a healthy democracy . Mike Marriner , Laguna Beach
Let Laguna Beach Voters Decide
The City Council will have to decide on Tuesday night whether it trusts Laguna ’ s citizens on an important but somewhat complicated issue . Only a minority of two council members can prevent us from voting . Don ’ t let that happen .
What is the issue ? Most Lagunans now understand many of the costs we bear from overtourism . One critical fiscal cost is that providing for all the visitors costs the city and tax-paying residents more than $ 20 million annually . That is , taking care of the visitors ( public safety , public works , and much more ) costs $ 20 million plus more than the visitors generate in revenue for our city government . The city is considering ways to capture more revenue to reduce this huge subsidy . At a Town Hall on July 11 , several sources of revenue were presented . It was clear from the hand vote that most of the more than 250 residents present supported a strategy that significantly increases Laguna ’ s Business License Fee , only for the category of bars and restaurants . It is a feasible and legal way to gain revenue , largely from visitors . This fee has not been increased for 28 years and is capped at a very low maximum . We have proposed a way to phase in the fee increase over five years , with a progressive rate as the bar or restaurant has higher gross revenue . We can ’ t get all the day-trippers with this approach , but visitors provide about 80 % of the revenue to our bars and restaurants . Due to a law recently signed by Gov . Newsom , bars and restaurants can add this as a charge at the bottom of the bill , hence not affecting their menu prices .
There are other ways to garner more revenue from visitors , as we should , but these will take more time to implement and are more complicated ( for example , installing pay parking for non-residents in all our impacted neighborhoods , while residents will have hang tags allowing them to continue to have no-charge , unrestricted neighborhood parking ).
But for now , the most feasible option to generate millions of dollars from visitors each year is revising the antiquated Business License Fee for bars and restaurants . Unfortunately , two council members are all it takes to prevent the citizens of Laguna from considering this on the November ballot . A 4-1 vote is required . Even if two council members disagree with this policy , they should let the people decide and put the measure on the ballot .
Insist that Laguna ’ s citizens have the right to make an informed decision about this , not two council members .
Jim Danziger and John Thomas , Laguna Beach


but necessary ,” “ It ’ s a dirty job , but someone had to do it .”
Often , distaste for politics or big business comes from being the recipient of underhanded tactics that are covered over by pat phrases that excuse dishonesty and sanction low integrity in the name of the bottom line .
Abusive behavior comes packaged in many forms . One of the trickiest situations to navigate is when your livelihood is at stake and , therefore , your safety and security become threatened . Do you fight or flee ? Do you freeze , collapse , or do you rage ? Do you blame yourself for being out of control ? Do you threaten or beg for some kind of rational resolve ?
Depending upon the seriousness of the situation , it is likely that you will do all of the above in the process of coming to terms with what is happening to you .
When unexpected outcomes surprise you , it is natural to take them personally . Your life is being impacted . Often , your first reaction will be defensiveness and outrage .
Your pain is compounded if you have no opportunity to express yourself . “ So sorry , but the decision is out of my hands . It came from the higher-ups .” “ I am afraid there is nothing that can be done .”
This is the kind of challenge that will test your values . When your ethics require you to uphold a high level of personal honesty and integrity , yet you are confronted by a situation where the people you are dealing with don ’ t share your beliefs about how business should be conducted , explosive and disruptive outcomes are often the result .
If you are suffering from a major loss , give yourself the gift of generous , extravagant patience . Come home to yourself . Coming grandparents went through . During the fur trading era , many relatives ended up as beaver hats for the wealthy . The next morning , Mrs . Beaver asked Mr . Beaver what he was going to do about all the tickets . Mr . Beaver answered with a mouthful of oak meal . “ I ’ ll go to work at the lumberyard and gnaw on it .” Mrs . Beaver huffed , “ And what am I going to do while you ’ re busy making particle board at the lumberyard ?” Mrs . Beaver was an inpatient beaver . She would never wait for anything . For instance , Mrs . Beaver watched home do-over shows and could never wait for the final design . She would fast forward close to the end . Then she guessed every remodel ending . “ They did … Open design ,” she ’ d yell triumphantly . Mr . Beaver gulped down the last of his breakfast and burped . “ I ’ ll think about the tickets . Remember , dams aren ’ t built in a day .” At that , Mr . Beaver was shown the water door without a kiss . Just a kiss off .
Mrs . Beaver wasn ’ t a beaver to wait around . She made an appointment to see a veterinarian specialist . The vet gave her a treat
home means revisiting what you have been doing with your life and how you can create more satisfaction as you make new choices .
If you have been using all of your energy to fight or flee the perils of demanding challenges , it may be time to choose a new path . Hold tight to your needs , your desires and your values . They represent your core , your essence . They are your most valuable soul treasures .
Susan started her career in the Human Potential Industry in the mid-70s in San Francisco and is the author of “ Beyond Intellect : Journey into the Wisdom of Your Intuitive Mind .” susanvelasquez . com . and a pat on the head . “ What can I do for you today , Mrs . Beaver ?” Mrs . Beaver asked , “ How much do you charge to put down husbands ?” Meanwhile , Mr . Beaver hadn ’ t thought a whit about Mrs . Beaver ’ s tickets . Mr . Beaver was too worried about the lumber crew he inherited when he took the job . They were sea otters who played around all day . They didn ’ t have a work bone in their bodies . Mr . Beaver had to pick up the slack . His teeth hurt from doing the job of five . At this pace , he ’ d be gumming the wood in a vain attempt to make particle board .
However , things were looking up for Mrs . Beaver . The vet explained , “ A nip here , a tuck there and all your troubles will be left behind . And good to his “ Hippo ” -cratic oath , Mrs . Beaver became a changed beaver . Mrs . Beaver waited for no mammal and rebuilt a dam fine specimen in a day . Mrs . Beaver underwent a Brazilian butt lift , dental implants , nose job , breast augmentation , lip enhancement , full body hair removal , botox and added one white glove for good measure .
Months later , Mrs . Beaver talked the family into their own makeovers . The beaver kids got dental implants . With new megawatt smiles , they made new friends right away . However , Mr . Beaver refused any cosmetic surgery and insisted he was perfect as is . But as a compromise , he agreed to allow the vet to change his sea otter crew into beavers . After the makeover , production quotas were met at the lumberyard . It was a sigh of relief for Mr . Beaver .
Things were looking better . Laguna Beach was a dam nice place to move to , well , at least , for now …
Crantz tells the Indy that no beavers were harmed in the writing of this column .


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