LBindy_7.19.24 | Page 16

16 lagunabeachindy . com JULY 19 , 2024

When Taken by Surprise

By sUsan McneaL VeLasQUeZ
Last weekend was one of those times when I was taken by surprise by the blaring news that Trump had been shot and others were either killed or injured . First , Biden was put under high-level scrutiny with farreaching opinions from every highranking Democrat and Republican , and now the rhetoric of reaction to this tragic event will fill the pundits of fallacious news into overdrive . Rather than making the mistake of thinking it is those Democrats or those Republicans who are lusting after blood , I want to introduce another point of view today .
Are you familiar with the term Machiavellianism ? According to the Oxford English Dictionary , it is “ the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or general conduct .” In psychology , it describes a person ’ s tendency to deceive and manipulate others for personal gain .
In the 1960s , Richard Christie and Florence Geis developed a test for measuring a person ’ s level of Machiavellianism . People scoring above 60 out of 100 on the MACH-IV are considered “ high Machs ” who endorse statements such as , “ Never tell anyone the real reason you did something unless it is useful to you to do so ” or “ The best way to handle people is to tell them what they want to hear .”
People scoring below 60 out of 100 tend to believe that “ There is no excuse for lying to someone ” or that “ Most people who get ahead in the world lead moral lives .”
High Machs support the statement ,” The end justifies the means .” Therefore , the result of an action is considered valuable enough to overlook the method used to get that result .
Have you had the experience of being lied to , betrayed , or cheated out of something that was rightfully yours and then been told not to take it personally ? “ It ’ s just business .” “ Our actions were unfortunate


felt more valued . Each got their minds off “ self ” and on to “ being fruitful Samaritans .” Volunteerism yields big dividends . What financial advisor would not recommend that ?
Volunteering improves your mental acuity , builds a stronger community , lifts others , builds confidence and brings about a notable change . By now , you might be saying , “ But I am a political leader . There is no time for volunteering . I have late meetings , chamber challenges , disgruntled community members to respond to , and all I have time for is a quick hamburger and fries .
Hold on . Let ’ s see how City Manager Mr . Kiff exchanged his political shoes for volunteer shoes ( sneakers ).
Last Friday , Kiff became a part of the Laguna Food Pantry family . Pantry Board Member and Vice Volunteer Chair Lesli Henderson radiantly and sincerely smiled , offered him a friendly handshake and cheerfully remarked , “ Welcome , we are so glad you ’ re here .” She was serious , as Lesli is often at her computer checking the volunteer schedule early in the morning . That morning , she explained what his assignment was . Kiff picked up his volunteer badge , put on a radiant smile and away he went to

Episcopal Church Women Give to Local Charities

The Episcopal Church Women ( ECW ) have announced the 2024 recipients of its annual grant program . The organizations in Laguna Beach that will receive the ECW grants are Creative Identity , Friendship Shelter , Laguna Beach Children ’ s Chorus , Laguna Beach Community Clinic , Laguna Beach Food Pantry , PUP ( Protecting Unwanted Pets ), Sally ’ s Fund and Waymakers .
ECW ’ s giving extends to other organizations , including CASA , Wells of Life , St . Michael ’ s Episcopal serve . He left behind his political responsibilities and made a sound commitment to be fruitful in another way , reaching out to others who are not in his network and choosing to help those who are fooddeficient . Wow ! That is empowering . Unknowingly , his political load was lightened for a while . I was moved with gladness upon meeting him .
Warren Buffett contends in “ Wall Street 24 / 7 ” that “ Volunteering your time , skills , or resources to a cause you believe in can provide a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment . This fulfillment extends beyond your work , too , which will end at your retirement . Volunteering for a charitable organization also helps you connect with a like-minded community , potentially allowing you to form new relationships .”
Volunteering recalibrates , heals , cures , builds bridges , improves , and extends life . I know your doctor would highly recommend volunteering . Now is your time to volunteer . Others depend on it . It ’ s not about what Mr . Kiff promised to do while in office , but , moreover , what we saw him doing outside of his office that matters .
Rebecca is a Laguna Beach resident and former adjunct professor at the University of Nevada , Las Vegas .
Top row , from left to right : Megan Tambio , Friendship Shelter : Michelle Danly , Wells of Life ; Ronda Farrington , Sally ’ s Fund ; Dr . Jorge Rubal , Laguna Beach Community Clinic ; George Gilliam , Creative Identity ; Chelsea Burch and Melissa Whitworth , Waymakers ; Bottom row left to right : Anne Belyea , Laguna Beach Food Pantry ; Marjorie Gorum , ECW President ; Linda Mayer , ECW ; Ann Hyde ECW ; Katie Van Harten , PUP ; Joslyn Aitken , ECW . Photo / Barbara MacMurray
Church Food Distribution , Native American Heritage Association , Wheelchair Mission and others regionally , nationally and globally .
ECW ’ s main source of income for these grants is their summer concert series , and they thank the Laguna Beach Community for supporting these concerts . The next concert will feature Jason Feddy on Saturday , July 20 , at 5:30 p . m ., at St Mary ’ s Episcopal Church on its ocean-view terrace . Tickets are $ 25 . Tickets are available at ecwstmaryslb . org .

Leave It to Beaver 2 , A Trilogy

By MaRK d . cRantZ
Here ’ s a recap for readers who missed the first column concerning the Beaver family . The Beavers moved to Laguna Beach for a lucrative job offer in the lumber business . It was a difficult car journey from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan . The Beavers were lousy map readers and would get frustrated and tear the maps to smithereens . They went through one hundred and twenty sets of maps . The consequential sawdust they created lent itself to naming the Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival .
It was a heroic start . But it did not last . The Beavers soon realized they didn ’ t fit in Southern California because it was the land of beautiful mammals . The Beavers came up short in the beauty contest . They were buck-toothed and had flat tails . In Michigan , they fit in because everybody looked the same . Mrs . Beaver was the first to notice the difference . She told her husband , “ Dear , I got a ticket on the beach today .” Mr . Beaver was concentrating on the TV . “ That ’ s nice .” Mrs . Beaver exclaimed , “ What ? No , it ’ s not nice . I was written up because I was off leash .” Mr . Beaver continued concentrating on the TV ’ s water polo match . Mrs . Beaver spoke out loud more to herself than her husband . “ The officer asked where I lived . I said a dam . That got me another ticket for verbally assaulting an officer of the law .” Mr . Beaver attempted to catch the drift . “ What was that ?” Mrs . Beaver takes a breath . “ I ’ m not done yet . I slapped the sand hard with my tail . The sound scared the officer . That got me a third ticket for noise pollution .” Mr . Beaver looks up at his wife . “ Sounds like a good day .” No , it wasn ’ t a good day . But it wasn ’ t as bad a day as their