lagunabeachindy . com JULY 19 , 2024 11
visitors ( over-tourism ) who are not helping pay for the roughly $ 20 million that taxpayers are shelling out annually for visitor services . Here are the possible solutions discussed :
-Increase the tax on bar and restaurant bills . Escalate these increases over several years , roughly from 1 to 5 %. This would be a passalong tax customers paid that cost bars and restaurants nothing .
-Increase business license fees on restaurants and bars . They ’ re paying the same now as small retailers , yet they ’ re making millions more .
-Terminate the $ 1.7 million annual payment to Visit Laguna . Cease all promotional efforts . We already have far too many visitors , and social media is critically compounding the problem .
-Curtail the purchase of Laguna Canyon Road for $ 150 million , the purchase of Coast Highway for $ 336 million , the building of a new parking structure estimated at $ 13 million ( which would undoubtedly increase tourism ), and do not pursue undergrounding Laguna Canyon . Instead , harden power poles against traffic crashes , without the huge expense and liability of ownership .
-Reallocate some of the millions of city dollars being grandfathered in to fund schools , as attendance has dropped 30 % in the past five years .
-Cut select city staff personnel — way too many employees have been added over the last five years , yet our population has not grown .
-Put crimps on out-of-control pensions .
-Quit farming out so much city employee work to outside consultants .
-Push The California Coastal Commission for more paid parking ( residents get a pass ).
-Charge $ 1 to use city trolleys and Laguna Local taxi service .
-Charge commercial building owners a fee or tax for long-term vacancies , as they deplete sales taxes and diminish sales for adjoining businesses .
-Enforce and ticket for already established civic violations , including smoking , littering , beach pop-ups , unleashed dogs , loud vehicles , and parking ( meter violations and parking in no parking areas ).
Write to your councilmembers at citycouncil @ lagunabeachcity . net and City Clerk amckay @ lagunabeachcity . net . Attend the July 23 City Council meeting when the Council may select its funding choice ( s ) to put on the next election ’ s ballot . Jerome Pudwill , Laguna Beach
Support Our City Treasurer Calling all residents . In a little over a year , the City Council is set to significantly degrade the opportunity for the residents to attract a topquality treasurer to look out for their
How a Fireworks Show Brings New Perspective
By PaMeLa KnUdsen
When I read the news about the Fourth of July drone show , I burst into tears of joy . I know — a little overemotional , but the following backstory will give perspective .
I ’ ve lived in Laguna Beach for 20 years . In June of 2018 , I moved from the canyon to a cottage in the “ tree streets ” neighborhood of north Laguna . One benefit of living in this location that I eagerly anticipated was being able to see the Heisler Park fireworks show from my patio . However , at the time , I had two cats and was concerned about the noise . I ’ d heard from a neighbor that many people in the neighborhood , especially those with dogs or cats , dread the Fourth — the loudness level was hard to take . Despite the warning , I couldn ’ t fathom how loud the fireworks would be . Jarring is an understatement . I ’ d invited a
interests . Over the past year , the City Council has been working on a plan to downgrade the City ’ s Treasurer position . All without asking your opinion .
The elected treasurer ensures financial transparency and stewardship . Reducing this role weakens oversight and public trust . Instead , we should expand the treasurer ’ s responsibilities to strengthen oversight .
It started in early 2023 when the City Council reconstituted the Audit Committee to include both audit and investment responsibilities . It then proceeded to staff the committee entirely with members who had investment expertise . The committee did not include anyone with accounting or auditing expertise or experience .
Given their backgrounds , perhaps it should not be surprising that the committee prioritized investments . However , the facts tell a different story . From 2018 through today , the Finance Department has routinely few friends over to enjoy the show , but upon witnessing the distress it caused in my cats , I struggled to find the joy . The following year was the same scenario . And by then , I wondered how a fireworks show within blocks of a residential neighborhood was permitted .
Over the following couple of years , my cats passed away . In the spring of 2021 , I fell for a kitty up for adoption at the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter . The Fourth of July holiday arrived , and I ’ d hoped my new feline pal , Samantha Jo , would get through the fireworks shows anxiety-free with calming spray , ambient music and me by her side . Samantha Jo , perceiving danger , was inconsolable as she paced and growled at the explosive sounds , which reverberated in the floor and made the windows rattle . The sensory overload was a strain on me . I could feel her pain . Not only are we close to Heisler Park , also Emerald Bay , just a mile away . The sensory bombardment from both shows went on for 50 minutes . And just as we both recovered , the afterparty started with people shooting off fireworks throughout the night .
By 2022 , I dreaded the Fourth . I was no longer enthused by watching colorful explosions in the sky . I gave Samantha prescription anti-anxiety meds , hoping that would get her through the explosive sounds with minimal stress , but the meds did nothing . She displayed the same level of distress as the previous year .
been graded by its outside auditors as having a Significant Deficiency ( like getting a D on your report card ) and , more recently , a Material Weakness ( think F ) in its ability to produce financial statements that are free of material error . During that same time frame , the treasurer , who manages the city ’ s investment activities , received a clean bill of health from its annual audit . Nevertheless , the Committee started with investments .
In its debate , the committee focused on how outsourcing the investment portfolio could improve returns . The committee did not spend nearly as much time weighing the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing and whether outsourcing made sense for the city . The committee then moved to select a partner . In reviewing bidders , the treasurer was excluded from the selection process .
Next up was preparing a transition plan . Again , the treasurer , who has
I realized then that I could no longer be home during the Fourth of July .
This spring , in preparation of the dreaded holiday , I began thinking about where Samantha Jo and I could go to escape the stressful impacts of fireworks shows . Last year , we found respite visiting my mom and stepdad . Then I read the news of the drone show , and relief overwhelmed me . Problem solved — I could stay home and experience a peaceful drone show !
I had no idea that drones could create images with such vibrancy and precision . I found the show mesmerizing . It was refreshing to see clear skies , unlike the smokefilled sky from the Emerald Bay fireworks , which disrupted the tranquility that the drone show offered . We experienced slight relief without the volatile noise overhead , but booming sounds a mile away were loud enough to rouse Samantha ’ s stress levels and raise my blood pressure .
My experience isn ’ t singular . I hear more tales of distressed pets and people over fireworks .
I hope someday , that fireworks show become a nostalgic memory and that we embrace new traditions to celebrate America ’ s freedom in a more peaceful and safe way .
Pamela is the author of the children ’ s book “ Two Cats , a Mermaid and the Disappearing Moon .” She volunteers at Laguna ’ s cat sanctuary , The Blue Bell Foundation for Cats .
Street Beat
arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct . She was held on a $ 500 bail . Disorderly conduct . Michelle McClendon , 41 , of Laguna Beach was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct due to alcohol . She was held on a $ 500 bail .
Wednesday , July 17
Domestic violence . Natalie Lauren Kraenkel , 38 , of Los Angeles was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence with minor injury . She was held on a $ 50,000 bail .
Possession of a controlled substance , vandalism . Zack Carrillo , 47 , of Laguna Beach was arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance and felony vandalism . He was held on a $ 22,500 bail .