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JUNE 21 , 2024 lagunabeachindy . com 13

Laguna Canyon Foundation Trail Maintenance Nears Completion

By Clara Beard | LB Indy
Laguna Canyon Foundation ’ s 2023 / 2024 trail season , which began in October , will wrap up on June 29 .
Over the past nine months , LCF held 39 volunteer trail stewardship days that resulted in noticeable trail improvements in Laguna Coast Wilderness Park and Aliso & Wood Canyons Wilderness Park . In total , staff and volunteers improved 3,470 linear feet of trail tread , brushed 15,480 linear feet of trail , and installed or improved 258 drains to better control the impact of water on the trail during the rainy season . These improvements create a better user experience for all trail users while also ensuring that critical trailadjacent habitat is protected .
A project that many mountain bikers and hikers have been excited about is the recent improvements to Cholla Trail in Aliso & Wood Canyons Wilderness
Park . Thanks to funding by an anonymous private donor , Cholla Trail has been significantly improved over the last six months . LCF staff and volunteers smoothed out the rough tread and narrowed the trail , which in some places had eroded the surrounding landscape and become as wide as a road .
The improvements to Cholla Trail are one example of the trail work Laguna Canyon Foundation does around the parks every day to maintain Laguna Beach ’ s world-class trail system while protecting the surrounding wilderness . To get involved and help improve trails and better protect wildlife habitat , visit lagunacanyon . org / events . Upcoming trail volunteer days will be held tomorrow , June 22 and June 29 .
Laguna Canyon Foundation is dedicated to preserving , protecting , enhancing , and promoting the 22,000- acre South Coast Wilderness .
Laguna Canyon Foundation staff and volunteers take a break from their work on Laguna Coast Wilderness Park and Aliso & Wood Canyons Wilderness Park trails . Photo courtesy of LCF

Being an LGBTQ Ally

Local History Brought to Life for Laguna Beach Third Graders

By lAGUnA BeACh lGBtQ heritAGe & CUltUre AlliAnCe
June is LGBTQ Heritage & Culture Month in Laguna Beach , as unanimously proclaimed by the City Council in 2017 . Both our current city manager and mayor happen to be openly gay . This milestone has happened without any brouhaha in the press , unlike when Laguna elected our first openly gay mayor , Bob Gentry , in 1982 . This is a good thing ; much progress has been made , to be sure . However , this progress is not representative of the recent increase of anti-LGBTQ moves against the Laguna Beach queer community . Over the last two years , we have seen several rainbow flags in our town stolen and broken . Hateful slurs have been repeatedly shouted toward our local gay community . We ’ ve heard numerous reports of residents refusing to do business with our LGBTQ community because of their “ lifestyle .” And after over 100 years of providing a safe haven to the gay community , our last remaining gay bar in Laguna Beach quietly closed its doors .
Now , more than ever , our LGBTQ community needs the support of our allies .
Being an ally is more important than many people realize . It sends a powerful message that everyone deserves to be treated equally and with respect , regardless of who they love or how they identify . It also shows the LGBTQ community that you welcome and embrace them . Being an ally helps foster a safe and empowering environment where residents and visitors feel safe to be themselves and are supported by those who care about them .
However , developing oneself as an ally is a skill that doesn ’ t happen overnight . It comes from engaging in open conversations , asking questions , recognizing your own biases , and often stepping out of your comfort zone . Being an ally means learning , empathizing and , in many ways , taking on the struggle as your own .
What is an ally , exactly ? An ally is someone who supports and stands up for one or more marginalized groups . Here are a few specific ways you can become an ally :
Listen : The easiest way to become an ally is to listen .
Educate yourself : Identify and challenge stereotypes and unconscious bias . It starts with learning a little history . Come to an event .
Talk with others in our community : Have conversations with LGBTQ + people , from high school students to senior citizens , from your neighbors to your community leaders , and learn about their experiences and histories . Learn and use correct inclusive language : In the LGBTQ community , language is everything . Using the right words and pronouns is important when referring to someone ’ s gender identity .
Speak up and intervene : Don ’ t tolerate anti-LGBTQ jokes or statements expressed in your presence . It matters that derogatory language is called out .
Raise a rainbow flag : Show that your home or business is safe . Show that our town welcomes the LGBTQ community .
Laguna Beach LGBTQ Heritage & Culture Alliance ensures residents and visitors find their lives reflected and honored in the policies , arts , culture and celebrations within the City of Laguna Beach .
El Morro Elementary School third graders visited the historic Murphy Smith Bungalow in June to learn about the community and local history . Photos courtesy of Laguna Beach Historical Society
By Clara Beard | LB Indy
El Morro Elementary School third graders visited the historic Murphy Smith Bungalow in June to learn about the community and local history .
This year , the third graders were greeted by actors from Laguna ’ s
Our team of expert chiropractors and natural medicine practitioners will help you : Hands-on tissue work Integrative health assessment with a Doctor Recommendations to resolve your symptoms ! own community theater group , No Square Theater . Actors playing Bette Davis , Vernon Murphy ( original owner ), Blanche Clapp Smith ( second owner and last resident ), Jack Norworth , Pancho Barnes and Frank Cuprien were all among the




This free offer is for guests who are new to our clinic !
P . S . Bring a friend who ' s also been feeling a bit out of balance ! We want everyone to experience the Feel Good Friday difference .
This Feel Good Friday is your chance to feel energized and ready to take on whatever life throws your way .
Limited spots available !