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lagunabeachindy . com JUNE 14 , 2024 3

Celebrating Dad : Why Father ’ s Day Deserves More Love

By rachelle caNO
Why is it that Laguna Beach restaurants , for the most part , are not celebrating Father ’ s Day this coming Sunday with the same fervor as they do Mother ’ s Day ?
After calling up all of Laguna Beach ’ s top restaurants listed online on review platforms and checking restaurant websites , only to find out there is no special celebration or menu for Father ’ s Day , I came to the conclusion that even Laguna Beach and its most beloved restaurants are passively and collectively dissing dads – those fathers who are equally important in the family structure , yet historically , do not evoke the same sentimental or societal emotions that surround motherhood .
The stark differences in how America celebrates Father ’ s Day compared to Mother ’ s Day largely stem from cultural , historical , and longstanding social constructs tied to traditional gender roles . However , should there be a disparity in honoring those who gave us life and nurtured us into adulthood ? It seems society is still fixated on these set gender roles without considering how they may have evolved or the equal importance of each in parenting . Many single fathers today are as nurturing as any mother , demonstrating that being a dad transcends the traditional roles of ‘ protector ’ and ‘ provider .’ Responsibilities and tasks have increasingly crossed gender lines , with children now turning to both parents for emotional support and understanding . Perhaps it was always this way , but less apparent when fathers consciously adhered to expected traits and roles . I believe we need to show our fathers more love for all their previous roles in our lives .
For those of us who grew up in the last century , celebrating our fathers was a family affair that we cherished just as much as celebrating our mothers . While dining out wasn ’ t always the tradition , times have changed . Today , fathers have evolved in their tastes and ideas for marking special occasions , deserving the same festive recognition and appreciation as mothers . But it seems the anticipation of the day has since diminished , and marketing efforts are practically non-existent . You will not see a flower ad for Father ’ s Day , or items pushed beyond the gadgets advertised at hardware
Above left : Executive Chef Amar Santana has created a special Father ’ s Day menu at Broadway by Amar Santana . Photo / Amar Santana . Above right : Shrimp Diablo is part of Newport Beach ’ s Todos Santos ’ Father ’ s Day menu . Photo / Rachelle Cano
stores that further portray father in the utilitarian light vs . the caring and nurturing role he often plays in the lives of his children . The commercialization of Father ’ s Day has not kept pace with changing societal norms to include dining experiences as much as power tools and barbeques .
But what if Dad now prefers gnocchi or huevos rancheros at his favorite beachside restaurant over a ribeye ? He doesn ’ t have a choice unless his family does a little legwork to scout out which restaurants are going out of their way for dads . In my search , I found a few chefs who are also young fathers themselves and who value this special holiday day enough to create special menus . I ’ m impressed .
The two I found have thoughtfully
created a menu for Father ’ s Day I ’ d like to share with Laguna Beach readers .
Executive and Celebrity Chef- Partner Amar Santana and his business partner , Ahmed Labbate of Vaca and Broadway , did not forget Dad . Oh , no , they have created a special menu that will definitely get Dad away from the television and into the restaurant to enjoy amazing food and drinks and , most of all , to create special memories with the people he loves . Aside from the special menu , Broadway has something for just about everyone . What if Dad could put down the barbecue tools , turn off the TV , and have a world-class grilled prime New York steak prepared just right for him ? He ’ d definitely feel like a king , much like a mother feels


to collage-based resin paintings and his engagement with topics such as global warming , the impact of the pandemic and today ’ s most pressing social issues .
“ Tomaselli ’ s work is a powerful exploration of the world at large through ideas of individual perception , shared reality , and the altered states between ,” said Rochelle Steiner , guest curator for the exhibition . “ This exhibition promises to provide an insightful look at today ’ s most pressing issues by considering collisions of nature and culture , humans and animals , science and art and our need to process the fever pitch noise that surrounds modern life .”
In conjunction with the exhibition , the Laguna Art Museum will publish a fully illustrated catalog authored by Rochelle Steiner ;
Fred Tomaselli ’ s Irwin ’ s Garden , 2023 , acrylic , photo collage , leaves , and resin on wood panel , 48 x 48 inches , courtesy of the artist and James Cohan , New York , 2024 . Photo / Dan Bradica Studio
it will also feature a conversation between Tomaselli and writer Dan Nadel and include images of all of the works in the exhibition . Specially designed by Barbara Glauber / Heavy Meta , the catalog provides insights into Tomaselli ’ s West Coast inspirations and deeper understanding and appreciation of his recent practice . The publication will be available in late 2024 .
The exhibition aligns with the museum ’ s annual Art + Nature initiative and will include public programs such as a talk by Fred Tomaselli on Oct . 6 . Further details about the series of talks , and lectures elaborating on the exhibition themes , as well as the launch of the new publication , will be announced .

Did you know … Laguna Beach taxpayers subsidized city visitors by more than $ 20 million in 2017 ; how high is it now ?

Ref : Balancing the costs and revenues research paper , posted on Village Laguna ’ s website
Ad paid for by Village Laguna
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