LBindy_5.19.23 | Page 18

18 lagunabeachindy . com MAY 19 , 2023


Abalone Presentation at the Susi Q
In collaboration with the Laguna Bluebelt Coalition , the Susi Q is pleased to host an important presentation on the disappearance of abalone along our coastlines , including suggestions as to what we can do locally to restore the numbers of these beautiful mollusks .
Award-winning author Ann Vileisis , whose books explore our human relationship with nature , food , and the environment through history , will headline the event . Nancy Caruso of the marine education and restoration group Get Inspired will provide an update about local abalone .
“ With their iconic appeal , abalone capture our attention and help us to see the crucial importance of healthy kelp forest ecosystems to all of marine life --and to the wellbeing of our planet ,” Vileisis said .
The free event will take place on Tuesday , May 30 , between 4 and 5 p . m . at the Susi Q Center , 380 Third Street , in downtown Laguna .
A limited number of signed copies of Vileisis ’ s book will be available for purchase from the author . Light refreshments will be served . Free parking underground . Register online at www . thesusiq . org and click on Classes & Registration . To register by phone , call ( 949 ) 715-8105 .
Historical Society ’ s Murphy Smith Bungalow turns 100
The Laguna Beach Historical Society invites the community to celebrate the 100-year birthday of The Murphy Smith Bungalow on Saturday , May 20 , from 10 to 1 p . m . at the Laguna Beach Historical Society Headquarters , 278 Ocean Avenue ( between Whole Foods and Wells Fargo ). The celebration will include guided tours , freebies , birthday cake and refreshments . In addition , new members will have a choice of a free gift .
Upcoming Laguna Bluebelt Coalition events
Laguna ’ s Abalone will be the central theme for several upcoming events coordinated by the Laguna Bluebelt Coalition . Acclaimed marine biologist and author Ann Vileisis will discuss her recent research and book at the Suzi Q Laguna Beach Community Center at 4 p . m . on May 30 . Joining the lecture , Laguna ’ s “ Kelp lady ” Nancy Caruso , will share her ten years of abalone research and surveys . Abalone and sea life will also be prominent stars in the 12th Annual Laguna Bluebelt Photo Contest and upcoming Laguna KelpFest 2023 . Register for the free event at registration @ thesusiq . org . More information is available on the Susi Q website .
The 12th Annual Laguna Bluebelt Photo Contest is open for submissions of images captured over the past year .
The submission deadline is July 7 , with an artist reception later at the Laguna College Art & Design Gallery .
The Bluebelt Photo Contest highlights and celebrates Laguna ’ s Citywide network of marine protected areas connected together as a Bluebelt for sea life restoration serving as a nursery supporting regional fisheries from Dana Point and Newport Beach . Photo contest rules for submission can be found at contest . lagunabluebelt . org .
On June 3 at Main Beach , the 13th Annual Laguna KelpFest , sponsored by the Laguna Ocean Foundation , will celebrate and educate visitors about the important contributions Laguna ’ s Kelp Forests play in providing a home for sea life and mitigating the effects of climate change by sequestering carbon and shading the sea floor to cool rising sea temperatures - a necessary step in addressing sea level rise . More information about KelpFest is available at www . lagunaoceanfoundation . org .
American Legion Auxiliary Poppies Available by Donation
The American Legion Auxiliary supports veterans organizations with donations received in exchange for the red paper poppies they distribute at this time of year . The poppy was made the Legion ’ s official memorial flower in 1920 and that of the American Legion Auxiliary in 1921 . Last year , nearly $ 2 million was collected nationally from poppy distributions
and allocated to disabled or hospitalized veterans . Your donation to American Legion Auxiliary Unit 222 makes it possible for them to continue to support veterans ’ projects including those at V . A . Hospitals , the Bob Hope U . S . O . at John Wayne Airport , as well as helping Camp Pendleton families and our troops overseas . Those who would like to receive poppies can mail a donation to ALA Unit 222 , P . O . Box 517 , Laguna Beach , CA 92652 or contact Sandi Werthe at shworthy @ cox . net or phone ( 949 ) 494-6016 .
Laguna Charm House Tour to be held May 21
The 48th Charm House Tour starts in front of the Festival of the Arts at noon . It offers an opportunity to tour four historic homes and a church , most in historic North Laguna . This area grew from an empty 1906 subdivision to a quiet neighborhood of tree-lined streets and gracious , charming homes . Ranging from early California Monterey Revival , summer cottage , early 20th Century Bungalow , Period Revival , and Midcentury Modern . These homes offer a tableau of Laguna Lifestyle and history . More information can be found at www . villagelaguna . org .
Catmosphere Laguna Foundation At Gelson ’ s Laguna Beach On May 27
On Saturday , May 27 , from 11 a . m . to 2 p . m ., Catmosphere Laguna cats


We offer scholarships and aid to families enrolled in Laguna Beach public schools . We may be able to assist with :
• Extracurricular activities & summer programs Local sports & recreation classes / camps , Boys & Girls Club
• Essential needs Gas , groceries , clothing & school supplies
• Therapy & mental health resources
• Tutoring
• After School Program El Morro , Top of the World