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barrels . Teaming with the LBHS Flow ( Fire , Land , Ocean and Water ) Program led by LBHS teachers Jun Shen and Sarah Benson , Kough and her students plan to incorporate two rain barrels in the flower pop-up . “ We ’ re so excited to bring the community together through art and nature with this collaborative public art project ,” says LBHS art teacher Jamie Kough . “ Bringing the classroom outside into the working world gives students invaluable real-world experience as they are exposed to the process of public art-making and collaboration .”
As part of the planning process , students worked to find a location for the installation , created design proposals for approval by the Laguna Beach City Arts Commission , and developed the project budget . Currently , they are creating found object sculptures using trash and materials donated by Terra Verde .
A multitude of partners are involved in the mural ’ s inception and creation , including Faye Baglin of Laguna Beachbased Cultural Art Project ( CAP ), Laguna Beach ’ s parent-led education foundation SchoolPower , the Laguna Beach City Arts Commission , Irvine-based recycling center Terra Verde , artist Adam Schwerner and floral designer and owner of Poppyhill Flowers , Laura Williams .
“ Flowers are similar to strokes from a paintbrush and have composition rules and
The floral pop-up will be installed on found object sculptures designed and constructed by LBHS students using trash and recycled materials donated by Terra Verde . Photo / LBUSD
freedom similar to what students are used to ,” says Williams , who hopes students will gain an understanding of the impact their art has on others . “ Due to the lockdown and the insane challenges our students have to face in today ’ s climate , mental health is so important . Flowers make us pause , breathe a little deeper , and experience wonder .”
Echoing Williams ’ sentiments , Kough hopes the project provides students a fresh outlook during the hectic time of end-ofyear school demands .
“ Working together is a blast , and being challenged by how to make different aesthetics cohesive is quite satisfying ,” Kough said . “ This is not an opportunity many students in high school get a chance to
do . There is something about working with flowers that is so calming and much-needed during this stressful time of year . Ultimately the goal is to create a gift for our community using our gifts that remind people to enjoy the little things , the beauty all around us .”
Students have been enthusiastic about learning about mixing art forms and their ability to challenge viewers ’ opinions .
“ I ’ m excited to see these two intricate art forms – flowers are so beautiful , and trash is stereotypically seen as disgusting – come together as something beautiful ,” freshman Arianna Nikkhah said about combining floral art with recycled material art . “ It ’ s refreshing to see these boundaries broken , and I can ’ t wait for it to all come together .”
Free and open to the public , community
Senior Emma Purdy and freshman Charley Jerabek bring a black and white themed found object sculpture to life . Photo / LBUSD
members can view the installation and celebrate the floral mural from Thursday , May 4 , to Saturday , May 6 , outside Tuvalu on the Forest Avenue Promenade . On May 4 , students will work all day to install the sculptures on Forest Avenue and adorn them with flowers and greenery under Williams ’ guidance . The floral mural will be unveiled at 4 p . m ., in time for First Thursday Art Walk , and displayed for 48 hours for the community to enjoy as a photo opportunity . At noon on May 6 , students invite the public to take home flowers from the installation .

About ADUS : Frequently Asked Question # 2

Q : Is it true that a homeowner doesn ’ t have to go through the City ’ s lengthy Design Review Board process to create or build an Accessory Dwelling Unit ?
A : Yes , it ’ s true , assuming all the State and City ADU requirements are met . The
City ’ s Planning , Building , and Fire Departments are the approval bodies . ( Note : the City is still sensitive to neighbor views , neighborhood compatibility , privacy , and fire safety . Also , the front yard setbacks of 20 ’ and inside ceiling heights of 7 ’ still apply .)
Laguna ADU , founded by former Laguna Beach Mayor Elizabeth Pearson , is a one-stop resource to help seniors and other Laguna homeowners create Accessory Dwelling Units to rent , to use for a caretaker , and other purposes
www . lagunaadu . com lagunaadu @ gmail . com 949.929.1383
Learn more and receive a complimentary consultation ! Laguna ADU is a Limited Liability Corporation .