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lagunabeachindy . com APRIL 26 , 2024 3

Tickets Going Fast for Laguna Beach Garden Club ’ s Annual Gate & Garden Tour

By Clara Beard | LB Indy Laguna Beach Garden Club is gearing up for its popular Gate and Garden Tour on Saturday , May 4 .
The annual event , which has sold out for three years in a row , features a thoughtful curation of Laguna Beach ’ s unique neighborhood gardens , all conveniently within walking distance of each other .
“ We usually choose a cluster of homes in one neighborhood ,” said Karen Nelson , who co-directs the tour . “ It ’ s in North Laguna this year on the tree streets . And there are some pretty spectacular homes . There are some quaint ones . We try to pick a different slice of Laguna Beach every year . Also , we want it to be accessible to as many people as possible . So the walking part of it , which is four-tenths of a mile , is all downhill . So anybody can do it .” Before the tour , participants gather at the Laguna Beach Water District , located at 306 Third Street . There , Cinco de Mayo festivities will be in full effect , with artisan margaritas , Mexican food , free spectacular homemade baked goods and refreshments , and exciting raffle prizes from local artists and businesses available before and after
the tour .
“ It ’ s a full-on party ,” Laguna Beach Garden Club President Jane Leary said . “ And we have a whole bunch of really great raffle prizes — amazingly generous raffle prizes . Participants can have food and drink there and learn about the club . The Water District always has a booth where they give away a lot of free stuff . It ’ s just so much fun .”
While at the Water District , attendees can admire artist Matt Willey ’ s recently completed bee mural , which engages citizens in the movement to save pollinators .
Last Tuesday , the City of Laguna proclaimed the first Saturday in May “ Laguna Bee Day ” in honor of the garden club ’ s new mural . The day was specifically chosen to coincide with the Gate & Garden tour and mural unveiling earlier this month at the club ’ s host venue .
Depending on their ticketed entry time , garden enthusiasts will go by shuttle to the first garden and return to the Water District once the tour is completed . Entry times for the tour start at 10 a . m . and run hourly until the last tour sets off at 2 p . m .
Participants are encouraged
Laguna Beach Garden Club President Jane Leavy and Gate & Garden Tour Co-Director Karen Nelson . Clara Beard / LB Indy
GrapesforGrads . com
$ 70 Advance Purchase Admission $ 80 General Admission $ 120 VIP Admission
( Must be 21 or older to attend )

Sunday , April 28 , 2024

• Specialty wine tasting
• Live music by Typical Gypsys
• Art exhibition by LCAD

1:00 to 5:00 PM Festival of Arts

• $ 8 small plate cuisine
• Silent auction & opportunity drawing
Benefiting students of Laguna Beach High School • Laguna College of Art + Design
Presenting Sponsors