lagunabeachindy . com MARCH 15 , 2024 3
Easter Sunrise Celebration Keeps Growing in Laguna Beach
By LB Indy Staff
Last year , an estimated 250 people showed up at 6 a . m . to celebrate Easter at Laguna ’ s iconic Main Beach . This year ’ s celebration , hosted again at the same time and place by Laguna Beach United Methodist Church , is expected to draw a similarly large flock of early birds .
“ This has become a celebration not just for our members but for the entire community ,” said Rev . Mary Scifres , senior pastor at the church . “ The Easter sunrise service is a literal moment of new hope dawning — and everyone is eager to share in that feeling , churchgoers or not .”
Volunteers will greet attendees with hot coffee and hand warmers . The service itself will include a praise band , many of whom have been playing at this service for years . Megan Waters , the music director at Laguna Beach United Methodist Church , described the music as “ a unique blend of tradition and modernity . We infuse familiar songs , like ‘ Christ the Lord Is Risen Today ,’ with a contemporary feel , featuring keyboard , guitars , percussion , and some truly wonderful vocalists . And songbooks are shared with the crowd , so that everybody can sing along .”
The service features a brief message and “ open table ” communion , where all are invited to participate , regardless of their tradition . Finally , people place flowers on a large cross , creating a beautiful springtime wreath .
“ I love the spirit of the event ,” said Chuck Kent , who attended for the first time last year and has since become a church member . “ Much like Laguna Beach itself , the service is creative , warm , and welcoming to everyone . I especially like how little containers of bubbles get distributed so that , after the service , everybody gets to send little sparkles of joy skyward . It ’ s all pretty special .”
Easter this year is on Sunday , March 31 , and the sunrise service begins at 6 a . m . at Main Beach in Laguna Beach . Attendees may bring folding chairs and , if they ’ d like , a flower for the community wreath . Coffee will be served starting at 5:45 a . m .
An indoor service will also be held at 10 a . m . at Laguna Beach United Methodist Church , 21632 Wesley Drive , Laguna Beach .
For more information , visit lbumc . org .
Last year ’ s Easter Sunrise Celebration at Main Beach . Submitted photo
Blooming Flavors on the Coast
Enjoy Spring ParTea from March 25 through May 16 with a loose-leaf tea collection by Palais des Thes , savory canapés , and tea-infused cocktails . This Easter , join us in RAYA on March 31 as Chef Irving and his culinary team prepare a seasonally curated , four-course brunch .