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( 949 ) 464-1000 • LagunaBeachVet . com
lagunabeachindy . com FEBRUARY 9 , 2024 3

Moms at the Museum

tour of one of the exhibits .
Then , Lynn and other postnatal care experts like midwives , doulas , newborn care specialists , nutritionists , acupuncturists , and massage therapists share tips and tricks for mom ’ s self-care and newborn issues .
At December ’ s meeting , participants had the chance to hear from Lynn , acupuncturist Leilani Wong Navar and Suzi Schwartz , owner of OC Nanny Newborn .
“ The turnout for our previous events has really given us a lot of hope for this program because it gives moms a place to come together , be social , find other people in the same place as them , and appreciate art - on top of the fact that they are moms ,” LAM Museum Educator Katherine Morton said .
Melissa Nunez , a first-timer to the group , said she came to the meet-up because being a new mother can feel isolating . Connecting with other moms has become her priority .
“ After you have a kid , something changes in the brain that programs moms to be more social . Just having a kid , historically , is not a single-parent action . In the past , there was more community ,” said Nunez ,
Valerie Lynn ( standing at rear ) hosts a monthly meet-up for new moms at the Laguna Art Museum . Clara Beard / LB Indy
holding her seven-month-old son Nolan . “ Before having a kid , I was fine just being in my house with my partner , watching TV or something . But now , I ’ m seeking those social connections , so I ’ m making a bigger effort to come out and do that .”
The next New Moms at the Museum event will be held on Feb . 15 from 9 to 10:30 a . m . Attendees are encouraged to bring a yoga mat for their baby to lie on and a blanket for extra warmth , as it can get chilly in the museum .
The group is for babies zero ( pregnant ) to six months . New dads are also welcome . Snacks and drinks are provided . More information can be found at www . lagunaartmuseum . org / events / new-moms-at-the-museum-4 /
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