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lagunabeachindy . com DECEMBER 8 , 2023 23


“ Volunteers are the heart and soul of our show ,” said Sharbie Higuchi , Festival of Arts marketing and PR director . “ Their dedication and passion are the driving forces behind the magic we create , turning each production into a masterpiece . Without our volunteers , the Pageant would not be possible .”
During the casting call , volunteers can expect to have their measurements and photos taken while enjoying
refreshments and light bites . Attendees will also have the opportunity to meet the Pageant ’ s creative and technical staff , as well as get a sneak peek at the artwork that will be re-created in this summer ’ s show .
“ Volunteer at the Pageant and be part of something extraordinary ,” Higuchi said . “ Not only is it a great way to spend your summer with family and friends , but also , by volunteering for the Pageant , students
can earn credit towards community service requirements .”
The 2024 Pageant of the Masters production À La Mode : The Art of Fashion will run nightly July 6 through Aug . 30 . Tickets start at $ 45 per person . To stay up to date on all things Pageant of the Masters and Festival of Arts , follow the Festival on social media at @ FestivalPageant and visit www . foapom . com .
unable to get to work , which left him unable to pay rent , which put him on the streets .
“ I just keep smiling ,” he said , flashing an infectious grin . He cites the demons we all have , those of anger and madness , but unlike so many , he can put them away – mostly for survival , he says . “ I get stopped and constantly told , ‘ I ’ ve never seen you around here .’ Well , I hadn ’ t been around here because I was always in my car passing by ,” he explains . “ But that car is gone .”
Everyone has a story about why we are where we are . Life-changing moments that shift our destinies - some done by us , some done to us .
But for one Saturday morning in December , more than 100 people were experiencing a true holiday moment – enjoying breakfast , marveling at the world ’ s beauty and the magic that the sun shining down was warming us all , together .
Theresa Keegan is a Californiabased writer who marvels at the beauty that explodes when people come together for a good cause .
Volunteers get measured and photographed at the Pageant of the Masters Open Casting Call . Photos courtesy of Pageant of the Masters

No Christmas

By dennis loCKWood
I ’ m sitting on a bench at Main Beach on a typical SoCal day . The sun is warm , but the wind is blowing in a cool , ocean breeze along with a pounding surf . It makes for a confusing wardrobe day as witnessed by the jogger in shorts and a t-shirt , in comparison to the senior citizen bundled up in her overcoat and scarf . One thing for certain the walked dogs on the promenade could care less .
I ’ m hoping for some inspiration to write a Christmas story . Maybe a
little ditty full of humor and satire that makes people laugh and forget their cares for a while . Or should it be the literary , thoughtful essay probing the gap between the haves and have-nots ?
Decisions , decisions , what ’ s a person to do ? I pull out my pen to get started when a man walks up to me and asks , “ Mind if I sit down ?”
“ No , please do ,” though I ’ m a little hesitant because there are several open benches nearby . Now , he seems like a normal guy , a tall man clean shaven and well dressed as confirmed by the Ferragamo shoes he ’ s wearing . I ’ d say he is in his early 60s , but his physique says I ’ ve worked out a lot .
The first moments feel a little awkward as I wonder if I should say something . Several minutes go by , and I ’ m thinking about leaving when he turns toward me and points at the houses up on the ridge .
“ I used to live up there . I loved this town . It was my home .”
“ Oh really ? I love Laguna Beach too .” Not knowing what else to say .
“ Do they still have that big Christmas party downtown every year where they light the tree ?”
“ Yes , they do . It ’ s quite a night . The kids love it .”
“ My wife and I always loved
going . We never missed it , but that was a long time ago . I imagine things have changed a lot since then .”
“ Well , some things have . Quite a few businesses have come and gone in the last 10 years and the parking just keeps getting worse . I ’ m told only about a quarter of the people in town live here year-round . But you couldn ’ t tell by the traffic .”
“ Are you writing about something ? I see your notepad and pen .”
“ Trying to . I ’ m supposed to write a piece about Christmas , but I haven ’ t come up with anything yet .” He looks at me hard , like I ’ ve struck a nerve with him .
“ You should try writing about what it would be like if there were no Christmas .”
“ You mean like if it never existed ?”
“ No , more like if it was taken away from you . Like you weren ’ t allowed to celebrate it anymore .”
“ Oh , you mean like losing your freedom .”
“ Yes , exactly . Just think how that would feel . You know , one of the reasons for the celebration , besides the obvious religious beliefs , was to cheer people up during the cold , dark winter months when they got easily depressed . People would find
a whole new appreciation for the holiday if it were taken away from them .”
“ Yeah , I guess the color of coffee cups and the “ Happy Holidays ” PC crap wouldn ’ t mean much if Christmas didn ’ t exist .”
We both stare out at the ocean , thinking about a world where there is no Christmas , until I glance over at him and notice a swell of emotion as his eyes begin to tear up . We both quickly turn away looking back toward the ocean .
“ You can ’ t imagine how depressing it is when there ’ s no Christmas . Memories just seem to haunt you .” “ You sound like you ’ ve experienced this .” “ Yes , I have , for the last 15 years , ever since I left here .” “ Where have you been ? Out of the country ?” “ No , northern California .” “ I don ’ t understand . Where exactly where were you ?” “ San Quentin .”
Dennis Lockwood is a published author who writes short stories and music . His crime novel “ Duality ” is a Writer ’ s Digest award winner . He lives in North Laguna with his wife , Pat .