LBindy_12.30.22 | Page 16

16 lagunabeachindy . com DECEMBER 30 , 2022


to gain local control of all beaches in the City of Laguna Beach . Mayor Bob Whalen successfully spearheaded this effort over the last 18 months . Last week , his work came to fruition as the Orange County Board of Supervisors approved the transfer agreement allowing the City of Laguna Beach to take over ownership of all South Laguna beaches from the County . This will allow the City to provide consistent and excellent lifeguard services across all beaches within our City limits , including the ability to enforce the City ’ s municipal codes on South Laguna beaches . We anticipate assuming control of the beaches by March 1 , 2023 with full lifeguard staffing ready for the summer months .
We also acquired a large property in South Laguna , and the City anticipates closing escrow on the 6.5-acre St . Catherine of Siena school property very soon . Acquisition of this property will provide the City with a unique opportunity to increase services to the community , with an array of possible long-term use concepts such as a community pool , cultural arts center , recreation facilities , and additional City or civic uses . After the property is acquired , we look forward to soliciting ideas from our community for desired uses and developing a master plan vision for all City-owned properties .
This year Mayor Whalen and I continued our work on the Parking Master Plan which will help us determine where we need parking in particularly impacted areas of the City and the opportunities in those areas for additional parking or parking
solutions . The Parking Master Plan will offer recommendations to reduce the impacts of neighborhood parking while promoting vibrant and walkable commercial districts .
We also continued to work on new and enhanced initiatives to improve the quality of life for residents while managing the impacts of visitors . Our new Neighborhood Enhancement Team – or “ NET Team ” will patrol our neighborhoods , beaches and parks to ensure proper use of our cherished community assets . This team includes Park Rangers , Community Outreach Officers to address homelessness , traffic motor officers , and a Community Services Officer responsible for outreach and engagement . Under the leadership of Police Chief Jeff Calvert , I believe all of these actions we have taken will result in an even safer community for all to enjoy .
Of course , no City Council actions can be implemented without the hard work and tireless efforts of our City staff . I extend my sincere thanks to City Manager Shohreh Dupuis and her team for their diligence , dedication and support as we address the challenges of our time .
Over the next four years , I pledge to focus on the issues that matter to all of our lives : how to improve this town , enhance public safety , and address emergencies as they arise while looking toward the future . Now that the election is behind us , let us elevate our public discourse and focus on issues , facts and diligent problem-solving . I ask my fellow councilmembers to do the same as we look for short-term and long-term solutions to improve our community . Happy Holidays Everyone ! In Community Spirit , Mayor Pro Tem Sue Kempf


skills to even think about launching those types of platforms .
Though I don ’ t have a magic wand or an easy answer to the new challenges we are facing , by admitting your discomfort with the unknown will allow you be kinder to yourself as the new year arrives .
“ Make it happen ” energy is necessary to create new levels of personal and professional success . In today ’ s
climate , it is also crucial to discover and uncover what you consider to be your personal rhythm , timing and tempo as you set your intentions for the new year .
What do I mean by ‘ rhythm , timing and tempo ?’ It is what pace works best for you . Are you a slow and steady creator ? Do you give yourself permission to stop when you are too tired so that you keep your accuracy at maximum
levels ? Do you have a partner who has a different rhythm than you and they don ’ t understand that their pushing and prodding creates stress for you ? Have you ever thought about what truly works for you ? Once you take the time to find out what works , will you be willing to do whatever it takes to make it a priority in your life ?
I believe that the marriage between the making it happen approach and
allowing the future to unfold so that the pace that you approach your life brings you satisfaction , is the success formula for this brand new launching of this New Year 2023 . I wish all my readers a happy and healthy upcoming year .
Susan is a long-time resident and has been writing and producing leadership and personal development seminars for over four decades . Reach her at : beyondintellect . com
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MICHAEL ROSS - 949.715.4540
lagunabeachcc . com 2147 Laguna Canyon Road , Laguna Beach Hours : 7:30am - 6:00pm