10 lagunabeachindy . com NOVEMBER 18 , 2022
Thanksgiving Memories
By Susan McNeal Velasquez
It was 7 p . m . on Thanksgiving evening . Seven-year-old Elena , and her cousin Jake , 6 , were playing in the living room . I sat down to listen in .
They were engaged in a made-up game called king and slave . Elena commanded , sitting in the biggest chair , “ slave , get me that stool .” Jake followed her finger and reluctantly carried the embroidered stool over . “ Now , move it back .” Jake sighed but did as he was told . “ Now turn on the light ,” ordered the king . Jake threw up his hands and said : “ This is the worst game I ’ ve ever played !”
Elena didn ’ t even blink . She said ,
“ okay , you can be the king now .” Jake ’ s body immediately relaxed in a ‘ this is more like it ’ response . He then planted himself firmly on the throne .
“ Slave , would you please bring me that stool ?”
“ The king doesn ’ t have to say please or thank you ,” Elena said as she disdainfully got the stool and carefully put it down in front of him .
I guess I laughed a little . The king turned his attention toward me and then firmly commanded , “ slave , take Grandma California away .”
This order took Elena by surprise . Inanimate objects presented no problem , but the king had just upped the stakes . The grandmother might say no , and then what ?
I cooperated but came right back . I was allowed to stay because I let them know that I was now a statue of a grandmother . Both king and slave easily agreed with my new identity . As a statue , I didn ’ t pose any threat to the king ’ s authority .
Shortly , Kyle , Elena ’ s younger brother , tried to enter the game . Jake gave him an order and Elena did too but he was too eager to please . They left him turning on and off the light
Letter to the Community : Police Chief Jeff Calvert
By Jeff Calvert and City Manager Shohreh Dupuis residents , businesses , and visitors in Laguna Beach .
These are exciting times within your police department , and we will continue to provide exceptional police service while embracing our values of Passion , Respect , Integrity , Diversity , and Excellence ( P . R . I . D . E .).
The police department is currently staffed with 49 of our 56 budgeted sworn positions . City Council recently approved the fifty-sixth position for adding a third police lieutenant , allowing the current lieutenants to focus on patrol operations . Over the past several months , we have engaged in a strong and proactive recruitment effort yielding positive results . We had one police recruit graduate from the police academy last week , and he began field training this week . There are currently nine experienced lateral police officer candidates progressing through background , and we anticipate four of them starting in December .
Additionally , five entry-level police recruit candidates were interviewed and entered the background process .
Dear Laguna Beach Community , |
Now that the election is over , we ’ d |
like to take the opportunity to provide |
you with the truth and facts regarding |
our police department recruitment |
efforts which have been challenging |
cities across the nation and to highlight |
our success in implementing |
new programs and opportunities for |
police officers . |
First , the City Manager and I |
continue our efforts to provide sustainable |
enhanced public safety , low |
crime rates , and high quality of life for |
LBPD , PAGE 22 |
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