10 lagunabeachindy . com NOVEMBER 10 , 2023
Wednesday , Nov . 1
DUI , driving while addicted , possessing controlled substances . Lonnie William Watson , 35 , of Huntington Beach was arrested on suspicion of possessing controlled substances without a prescription , driving while under the influence of drugs and driving while addicted . He was held on $ 5,000 bail .
Thursday , Nov . 2
Trespassing . Jeffrey Michael Corbin , 76 , of Riverside was arrested on suspicion of trespassing and refusing to leave the property . He was held on $ 500 bail .
DUI . Teri Denise Lamoreaux , 57 , of Meadville , Penn ., was arrested on suspicion of drunk driving and blowing on or over 0.08 percent blood alcohol . She was held on $ 5,000 bail .
Battery . Tracy Anne Green , 66 , of Tillamook , Ore ., was arrested on suspicion of battery on a spouse , ex-spouse , date et . She was held on $ 10,000 bail .
Bench warrant . Driving while drunk on a suspended license , contempt of court , drunk driving . Federico Esquibel Jr ., 33 , of Aliso Viejo was arrested on suspicion of an outstanding bench warrant , driving
while drunk on a suspended license , contempt of court and drunk driving . He was held on $ 16,000 bail .
Friday , Nov . 3 Bench warrant . Daniel James Moretti , 44 , of Laguna Beach was arrested on suspicion of an outstanding bench warrant . He was held on $ 2,500 bail .
Embezzling a rented vehicle . Paul Anthony Cohoat , 46 , of Costa Mesa was arrested on suspicion of a felony charge of embezzling a rented vehicle . He was held on $ 20,000 bail .
Suspended license . Isaiah Jason Moreno , 22 , of Santa Ana was arrested on suspicion of driving on a suspended license . Bail information wasn ’ t immediately available .
Saturday , Nov . 4 No arrests made .
Sunday , Nov . 5
Evading a peace officer with wanton disregard for safety , willful cruelty to a child , driving the wrong way to elude pursuing officer . David Jordan Barrett , 23 , of Scottsburg , Indiana , was arrested on suspicion of a felony count of evading a peace officer with wanton
NCC 80th Anniversary Brunch & Concern America Fair Trade Craft Sale
11:00AM-2:00PM , Bridge Hall
Davis Toft , APC is a full-service , general practice law firm . The attorneys at Davis Toft , APC handle litigation and transactional services , including business formation , real estate and business contract review , contract negotiation , and estate planning and administration . The firm also serves as outside general corporate counsel on behalf of for-profit and non-profit organizations .
We pride ourselves on being as good at helping clients avoid litigation as we are at representing them when litigation is unavoidable .
DAVIS TOFT , APC 580 Broadway , Suite 204 • Laguna Beach , CA 92651 phone : 949.376.2828 fax : 949.376.3875 va @ davistoftlaw . com www . DavisToftLaw . com
Make a reservation for your seat to celebrate NCC ' s story of service and love in Laguna - past , present , and future !
Concern America ’ s fair trade craft program provides direct support to materially impoverished artisans and their communities in Latin America , Asia , and Africa . You get the opportunity to support them by purchasing their gorgeous hand made items . www . concernamerica . org
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service 2:00PM , Sanctuary
Members of Laguna Beach ’ s faith communities come together for a celebration of gratitude and love . Free for all ages !
NEIGHBORHOOD CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 340 St . Anns Drive | Laguna Beach NCCLaguna . org | 949-494-8061