LBBW Newsletters Logan Beaudesert Bushwalkers | Page 3

Incoming correspondence Ø Brisbane Bushwalkers March newsletter Emails via Lynne: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Combined Clubs Camps to be held at Miriam Vale May Day weekend. Hosted by the Gladstone Club Info on the campaign to save The Jimna Bruce Ludlow ower Invitation to the BWQ Bush Bash Party on Sunday 2 nd April. To be held at the Ashgrove Library Info re this years Gold Coast Airport Marathon This year’s Insurance Survey from BWQ Letter a cheque for $715 from Logan City Coucil for the 1 st Aid Course Info from Riki’s Spirit of Japan Walking Tour Outgoing correspondence Ø Our newsletter Ø Sympathy Card for Marie McGahan (brother and friend) Heather moved that the correspondence be approved. Seconded by Karen Roache General Business • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The 1 st Aid Course is scheduled for Saturday 25th March. Heather will email details to those attending Easter at the Lake Moogerah House – a maximum of 15 people. Please advise Heather, ASAP, if you are coming May Day long weekend at the Bunya Mountains. Please let Heather know if you are coming The Cape York trip is on again this year. The departure date will be Wednesday the 12 th of July. Dave is the coordinator Suggestions for camps are Sheep Station Creek (date TBA) and Stinson Park in July. The July camp will also be the club dinner at The Christmas Creek Recreation Centre i.e. Christmas in July. To be held on Saturday 8 th July This month’s club dinner will be at the Whitehouse at Waterford. Heather is the coordinator Midweek walk – Jill wil advise if it’s one this week, possibly Buccan Conservation Reserve, Eagley Wetlands or Tamborine The walk for Saturday 18 th is Monserrat. Brian is the coordinator. Meeting at 7am The walk for Sunday 19 th is the Lincoln Wreck. Meeting at Jubilee Park at 5.30am. Malcolm is the coordinator Saturday the 25 th is the 1 st Aid Course, however, there is also a walk scheduled to Jenny’s Waterhole and possibly a BBQ afterwards Sunday 26 th – as per newsletter Karen Roache asked about having a cap with the club logo on it. Lynne advised there is a shop in Moss Street already has the artwork for our logo, as they have used it for the Kokoda Challenge. Heather to follow up Anthony thanked the committee for all of the hard work that is put in for the club Brian suggested that we invite Tamsin (snake lady) to another meeting Meeting closed at 8.05pm