F R O M T H E C L E R K O F C O U R T & C O M P T R O L L E R C i n d y S t u a r t – C l e r k o f C o u r t & C o m p t r o l l e r , T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
As you know , jury duty already has changed because of the pandemic . We no longer call hundreds of potential jurors once a week and make them wait all day , only to be sent home without ever actually serving on a jury . Now , we are calling jurors five days a week , usually in two or three different pools staggered through the day to ensure social distancing . This has been a management challenge for us as well as our partners in the 13th Judicial Circuit Court , but together we
are making it work . One of the unintended benefits of this new system is that if you are not picked to serve on a jury , you will likely be in and out of the courthouse in a few hours . That is something that should please everyone .
As members of the Hillsborough Bar , you are our “ frequent flyers ,” the customers who depend on us the most . I am committed to making my office as responsive as it can be . Please don ’ t hesitate to contact me if you have suggestions for improving the Clerk ’ s Office . Like all of our clerks , I am here to serve . n
Diversity & Inclusion Committee CLE
onnovember12 , hcBa ’ sdiversity & inclusioncommittee hostedacLeWebinarincelebrationofthe30thanniversaryof theamericanswithdisabilitiesact . topicsduringthiswebinar included : howandwhatthelegalcommunitycanandshould dotopromoteinclusionandaccesstopersonswithdisabilities throughthecourtServices ; thestructureandobjectivesofthe ada ; thefloridaruleofJudicialadministration2.540 ; theprocess forrequestingadaaccommodationsforcourtproceedings ; the roleofcourtadacoordinators ; examplesofada-relatedsituations likelytoariseinthecourtenvironment ; andexamplesofada accommodationrequestsreceivedduringthepandemic . aspecialthankyoutoourspeakers , debbiehowellsanddustin metzoftheofficeoftheStatecourtsadministrator , Jackhumburg ofBoleycenters , inc ., andannSiegelof disabilityrightsflorida , forpresenting thiswebinar ! also , thankyoutoisom mediationforsponsoringthiscLe .
Jack Humburg
Debbie Howells
Ann Siegel
Christina Potter
Dustin Metz
Tim Martin
Issues for Consideration
• Does a sign language interpreter need to be provided ?
• Does Attorney Wynn have all the information needed to secure a qualified interpreter for this situation ?
• Who is responsible for scheduling and paying for the interpreter for the deposition ?
• What does Attorney Wynn need to do if A . Witness is subpoenaed as a witness at the hearing ?
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