F R O M T H E T H I R T E E N T H J U D I C I A L C I R C U I T C H I E F J U D G E R o n a l d F i c a r r o t t a - C h i e f J u d g e , T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
good-Bye2020 – Welcome2021
iamproudofourcircuitandamthankfultothemembersofthe hillsboroughcountyBarassociation . # Weare13Strong
2020 was a year to remember . For years to come , students will study the Spanish Flu of 1918 , the Asian Flu of 1957 , and the COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 . Looking back at a year fraught with quarantine , illness , stress , and obstacles , I am thankful that I also see much success . Through collaboration and team - work , we adopted new business practices that launched the Thirteenth Circuit into virtual courtrooms . I never thought I would see that day that court would be held in cyberspace !
I also look back and see changes to the makeup of our bench . With fondness and appreciation , we bid farewell to seven retired judges ( pictured to the right ). Judges Martha Cook , Jack Espinosa , Gregory Holder , Eric Myers , Richard Nielsen , Scott Stephens and Ralph Stoddard will be missed for their knowledge and dedication . Of course , I will miss their friendship most of all .
Thankfully , the 2020 elections provided some amazing people to fill the void ( pictures of our newest judges on the next page ).
• Lindsay Alvarez started her legal career with the Hillsborough County State Attorney ’ s Office . Most recently she was with Rywant , Alvarez , Jones , Russo & Guyton P . A ., practicing general and commercial litigation . She is assigned to Family Law Division J .
• Kelly Ayers practiced civil litigation , family law and dependency law , owning three firms prior to joining the bench . She is assigned to Family Law Division D .
• Helene Daniel practiced in a variety of fields , mainly focusing on medical law in recent years . She is
assigned to East Division R , Civil and Family .
• Wendy DePaul hails from Cohen & DePaul , practicing bankruptcy and foreclosure litiga tion . She is assigned Family Law Division C .
• Greg Green also started his legal career with the Hillsborough County State Attorney ’ s Office . Subsequently , he pursued family law in his own firm . He is assigned Family Law Division E .
• Lyann Goudie was a career criminal attorney with Goudie and Kohn before becoming a judge . She is assigned Circuit Criminal Division B .
• Monique Scott was a police officer and a schoolteacher before becoming an attorney . She began her legal career with the Hillsborough County State Attorney ’ s Office . She is assigned to County Civil Division J . We have a great group of new judges joining our bench , and we welcome them !
In closing , let ’ s not forget that we all persevered in spite of the pandemic . It may have been inconvenient to telework , wear a mask outside the home , stay home more than going out , and refrain from visiting family and friends . But what did we gain ? We shared more time with those we cherish most . We invested in our families and community . With any luck , 2021 will bring health and wellness to everyone . I am proud of our circuit and am thankful to the members of the Hillsborough County Bar Association . # WeAre13Strong n
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