E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o h n F . K y n e s - H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y B a r A s s o c i a t i o n continuedfrompage10
hurricanes and survived the threat of nuclear annihilation by the way of missile aimed 90 miles off its shore .”
“ The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse left deep hoofprints of war , conquest , famine and pestilence across the Sunshine State . Repeatedly , Floridians rebounded , demonstrating strength and resolve ,” Mormino said .
Mormino cites , for example , how during the summer months Floridians often face down the threat of powerful and destructive hurricanes .
Mormino correctly points out that hurricanes connect Floridians “ across the ages ” and “ bring Floridians together in ways that a long peninsula and panhandle divide us .”
No matter how challenging the circumstances , however , Floridians have always demonstrated their resilience and the ability to adapt .
The pandemic also has had a lasting impact on Florida ’ s judicial system . When the pandemic hit , courts were forced to cancel or postpone jury trials and other in-person proceedings , creating a backlog of criminal and civil cases .
Taking direction from the Florida Supreme Court , Florida state courts have taken steps to mitigate the health effects of the pandemic , such as limiting access to courthouses ; restricting or ending jury trials ; and requiring face coverings to be worn .
Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Chief Judge Ronald
Ficarrotta recently told me he is pleased how the court has adapted during the pandemic .
Ficarrotta said there has been a real sense of cooperation working with the various local stakeholders — such as the Sheriff ’ s Office , State Attorney ’ s Office , Public Defender ’ s Office , and County Clerk ’ s Office — to keep the court operating while adhering to public health and safety measures .
“ I think we ’ ve had more jury trials than almost any other circuit ,” Ficarrotta said , noting the court has conducted three first-degree murder trials since October , the first of which was broadcast on Court TV .
Ficarrotta told me he was most proud about how the judges in the circuit have “ embraced technology ,” such as Zoom , to conduct remote hearings and other critical proceedings .
He also praised Circuit Judges Samantha Ward and Thomas Palermo and others who have been working closely with the HCBA since the pandemic hit to develop virtual CLE programing on a wide range of topics for HCBA members .
Additionally , Judge Ficarrotta told me he will be working with members of the Florida Legislature this spring on funding issues for the courts to help address the court ’ s increased workload and backlog of cases created because of the pandemic .
“ At the end of the day , I think we will come out of the pandemic stronger and better ,” Ficarrotta said , “ It ’ s brought the legal community together to find ways to get cases resolved and carry out the administration of justice . n
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