In the pages of the Old Testament is the journal of a man who stands tall as person with vision who rebuilt what was broken. His name is Nehemiah. The name means “the Lord’s comfort.” Nehemiah’s visionary efforts brought comfort to God’s people in a time of great need

Nehemiah’s lessons are so relevant for today. In the weeks ahead as we study through Nehemiah, we’ll see many “how to.” We’ll see…

-How to pray about your problems;

-How to “plan your work” and “work your plan;”

-How to set God-given goals;

-How to motivate others when morale is low;

-How to become a person of vision.

Nehemiah’s hope-filled visionary leadership is a powerful example – no matter what your position in life. Coaches, supervisors, parents, student leaders, executives, and spiritual leaders can all learn from this great man.

Let’s start by understanding a little about where, when, and how he lived.

The setting is about 500 years before the time of Christ. God’s people had lived in Israel for centuries before. God had told them: “Obey Me and you’ll live in the land for a long time. Disobey Me and you’ll be carried off into captivity.” That’s what happened. The Babylonians came and conquered God’s people and took the leading citizens 1,000 miles away.


Do you have a vision?

The gift to love and be loved by God is much more than any other thing. It is the center of everything about Us. No matter who we are, where we are and what we do, that amazing love from God is always the ultimate one. It defines and determines everything.

It is because of that love that we have life in abundance. If he never loved us, then today will never be. That love has guided us to every single success we enjoy today. At Lawrence Owino ministry we rejoice because of that love. That amazing love has inspired every part of this Magazine.

We believe that the content is meant to draw you even closer to God as you partake and enjoy his love.

The entire Editorial team wished you an amazing month full of blessing.

Apostle Lawrence owino
