What is YardHopp...
the lawn look bad and now no other homeowners don’t want to use their service because that lawn looks so bad. Others charge more for basic services like edging, or cleanup of lawn clippings. This should all be part of your basic pricing. Lastly the contact with local providers is a nightmare! Most companies are owner operated and cannot answer their phones because they are out working.
Not being able to answer phone calls is losing money for that provider, you can’t rely on customers leaving messages in this new age of technology, especially with millennials. That’s where YardHopp comes in! We are here to bring consistency across the board. We will have standard pricing structures to ensure that everyone gets a fair and consistent price. We will take payment at scheduling and won’t pay the provider until the job is competed and the customer has verified the service (guaranteeing payment). Lastly we will have standards on our lawn services. All lawns Weill be edged, cleaned up, and beautiful! There will no longer be negotiating for a better price. Fair and consistent. We will always be there to talk to the customer. We will be able to handle all situations that happen, and have a great staff of customer service reps to answer any questions.
Imagine the possible opportunities for on-demand lawn care. They are endless! Imagine having complete on-demand companies that strictly handle on demand customers, as long as the app grows, the amount of customers could be endless. This is such a large industry .
a fungus present and the results were consistent. I received this report and said, “this is not a fungicide, it is not labeled as such and we cannot promote it in that way.” Well, word got out as it always does and I sent some to another a company who experienced a similar result. Then another company used it for growing in turf that was damaged and another for seeding, and so on and so forth. But the main draw became these two items, stress recovery and fungus suppression.
6 Magazine May 2018