LawnTeX Magazine Issue 2 Volume 5 | Page 11

Magazine / May 2018 11

An Intro to Lawndogsunlimited:

LawnDogsUnlimited, was originally a platform where I could post pictures and videos of my landscaping work. Before the groups growth, I was kicked out of many other landscaping group's and was censored by others, mostly because they didn’t agree with what I was saying; so LawnDogsUnlimited was born. Initially started up by my friend Doug Cannon, whom, eventually asked that I take over the helm of group mod and grow the group. So, I did.

LawnDogsUnlimited is a place to learn and educate newcomers, a place to communicate and get to know other landscapers' throughout the world (if they decide to join the group, that is), connect and help one another out. It is also to showcase and admire fellow landscapers' equipment, make recommendations, and share experiences with equipment and give cost effective DIY method advice (amongst each other). The DIY methods, are issued through links, that direct people to my account, where they find a variety of my “How to” videos, which shows exactly what I do.

LawnDogUnlimited account started with just 2 members then slowly grew, from 500 members, then to 2k, then 5k, then 7k, and now 9.4k members and counting. Resulting in collaborations with fellow landscapers and companies like Echo, and a sponsorship for me, by ECHO (whose attention was obtained because of the rising popularity of the group), propelling LawnDogsUnlimited to have monthly raffles. Where I give away different landscaping items to participating, subscribed members. Echo’s sponsorship allowed me to use and showcase, their equipment. Introducing new items to others who may not know about them. What I thought was just a forum to post pictures, exchange ideas; got the attention of millionaire landscapers who became mentors for landscapers of many levels. Also creating other sponsorship opportunities for me. LawnDogsUnlimited continues to grow and expand, with worldwide members, 24/7 chats, posts, and information exchange.