2. Not having a clear idea of the music you're going to
play - Yes, creative freedom is very important, but too
much freedom can be just as bad as having none. You
and your band members must be on the same page
when it comes to what music you’re going to play. Not
too strict, but just enough so that your music achieves
a recognizable shape on which you can build.
5 Disastrous Mistakes That Every Novice
Band Makes by Nick Colakovic
Musician Success Guide, Strategies for Success
So, you're planning on starting a band? Great! Having
a band is an amazing experience and I’m sure you'll
have a lot of fun playing, hanging out with your
bandmates, and traveling to places you’ve never been
before. But before you get all excited, you need to
understand that you'll be facing many challenges on
your way towards becoming a quality band. A lot of
bands make terri