Law of Attraction Magazine September, 2019 Full Magazine | Page 36

confident and courageous. You will no longer be limited by irrational fear. You will exist more and more in the state of bliss. Your passions and soul?s purpose will be revealed to you. You will be living the life you intended to live. This is the effective approach to life and it is exhilarating. You can only adopt this radically new approach to life by doing something radical. You must radically alter your perspective on the subject of bad and wrong. The unifying theory of everything is the idea that every single aspect of physical reality is right as it is. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. The idea of something being bad or wrong comes from a fear-based place of judgment. Judgments are derived from beliefs. If you judge something to be good, you do so because there is an empowering belief that causes you to perceive the subject as good. If you perceive that something is bad or wrong, the perception is created by the existence of a limiting belief. Without the limiting belief you could not perceive the subject as wrong. Therefore, everything is actually right. Without the existence of limiting beliefs, there could be no wrong and so to live the life you intended to live, your work is to process and reduce the intensity of your own self-created limiting beliefs. Wrong is an illusion. A limiting belief causes the illusion. Your negative emotion is your indication of a limiting belief. The negative emotion is your sign that you have dipped into a limited perspective on this subject. The limiting belief causes you to perceive the subject as wrong and fear has arisen as a response. This fear is part of your survival instinct, and it causes you to tap into a stream of consciousness based in fear. When you immerse yourself in that stream, you will attract urges to change the conditions. If you act on an urge, you become the victim of your reality rather than the creator of your reality and so your approach to life is now that of the victim who wishes that things were different. If you can reach a higher perspective on the subject, you will feel a bit of relief and gain clarity. You will regain your alignment with the intentions you set prior to your birth and you will once again become the conscious creator of your reality. You will step back onto your inspired path to discover who you truly are by finding a way to see the subject of your fear as right and accept it as it is. You are either exploring who you truly are or who you are not. Either exploration is valid, because it?s expansive. However, the exploration of who you are not is in direct conflict with the intentions you set prior to your birth and so you will exist in fear, doubt and confusion. Are you experiencing this now? Then all you must do is realize that your approach of fear and control cannot work in a reality where the unifying truth of everything is love, acceptance and the absence of wrong. Adopt this new approach to life and you will quickly and easily regain your alignment with who you truly are and you?ll return to the exploration of your true self. With our love, We are Joshua Joshua is a group of nonphysical teachers channeled by Gary Temple Bodley. Their practical teachings provide a greater understanding of the mechanism of physical reality, the Law of Attraction, and how to leverage universal forces to enhance our lives. visit https://TheTeachingsof To Hear Joshua Live, go to Page 36