Law of Attraction Magazine September, 2019 Full Magazine | Page 11

energy of the earth and releases your stress and burdens. It indeed does GROUND you to see the beauty around you, and it makes your lack issues seem so small. It opens your eyes to other life that exists outside of your problems. Tune into nature because quite simply, you are tuning out fear and lack. Create a vision board of what you want to have in your life? new clothes, new shoes, new furniture, a new car? or even a drawing of your bank account with more funds in it? then put it somewhere you can see it every day. Now be realistic... if you set your intention for $1 Million right off the bat, that may take a while for you to manifest and you may get frustrated by thinking manifesting is a lot of mumbo-jumbo! So set it small, say $50, and see how easy it is to manifest. Then up the bounty to $100 as you begin to bring in the bucks! Make sure you feel your gratitude with all these goodies that are coming your way. Feel good about them all no matter how small. This raises your vibration to the level needed to receive even more. Give freely. Don't be afraid of giving something away that you need! This simple act tells the Universe that you have plenty and the Universe will deliver back to you10-fold (sometimes even100-fold!). Remember, when you are hoarding money, you stop the flow of money coming to you. Here's an exceptionally brilliant game called, "Give Away a Dollar a Day," created by Todd Silva. Take one dollar and put it in the grocery store shelf, or drop it on the floor in a store, or even put it in the deposit slip box at the bank, anonymously! Then watch the surprise of happiness of people who find it. Do this for 30 days? a mere $30. At the end of the month, you will discover that you received way more than the original $30 for your generosity. Then start again for another month? You will find that you have increased your mere $30 funds to hundreds of dollars. This game allows you to immediately change the way you feel about money. After all, money is simply energy, and this energy can create oodles full of happiness for many. A friend of mine played this game so well that after a few years became very financially secure! Giving is really better than receiving because it truly changes your mental attitude towards your finances. What you discover is that your emotions and how you feel about money determines how much you get to play within life. It really is a big, fun monopoly game. Here's another tip that really works! Take a $20 bill and put it in your wallet and never spend it. After a few months, change it to $50 in its place and then move it up to $100. Soon you discover that you are stashing about $1000 and suddenly the fear that comes with lack completely disappears. You know that you can handle anything that comes your way because you have become partners with the Universe. This says conveys to that mind of yours that have money, and you have no need to spend it. By developing Prosperity Consciousness, every dollar you give away, you get back from the Universe tenfold. Tithing to your favorite organization or even a friend can raise your vibrations dramatically at a rapid pace. But the key is, give it lovingly without expecting anything in return. It's like you say to the Universe? "Thanks, Universe! I have plenty of money to help someone else." Not only have you been so generous, but you have also raised your vibration to attract more money than ever before. Just Do IT! Truth: Today, you were gifted an incredible amount of funds that have yet to be realized in your bank account. By following what you have learned here, you have changed your mind from not having anything to creating everything. I thank you for allowing me to give it to you. I know by doing this and by NOT expecting anything in return, the Universe will generously give back in many ways, be it money, be it love, or be it acceptance. This is the secret to a happy, wealthy, and an extraordinary life. This is the SECRET! Page 11