Law of Attraction Magazine October, 2015 | Page 43
5) You det ermine what is posit ive or negat ive; t he universe is
neut ral . You bring judgment to something and how you see it
determines whether it is positive or negative.
6) You creat e t hrough your t hought s, words, and act ions.
Chose t hem caref ul l y. Thoughts you continue to think are
called beliefs. You have many beneficial beliefs and these help
you create the life you desire. You have some limiting beliefs
and these hold you apart from what you want. Since you can
choose your thoughts, you can also choose your beliefs.
7) The basis of l if e is wel l -being. Everything you want is
coming to you as long as you allow it.
8) You came f ort h int o t his physical real it y wit h a set of
int ent ions. Most of those intentions were general in nature,
such as the desire to feel joy, love, freedom, happiness, fun,
abundance, and to expand through contrast. One or more
intentions were more specific. These contain the essence of
what you are here to explore in this lifetime. These are your
interests and passions in life.
your attention. If you focus on what is wanted, it
will come. If you focus on what is not wanted, it too
will come. If you appreciate the abundance in your
life, you will experience more abundance in your
reality. If you focus on the lack of abundance, you
will attract more lack.
Those are the cheat codes to physical existence.
These are the keys to creating the life you desire,
but like anything, there?s a bit more to it than that.
You must learn to operate from the approach to life
that incorporates these cheat codes.
This is very different from how you have been
approaching life up to this point. Practice
implementing these codes and you?ll radically
improve your experience of life. This is how you
will master physical reality.
Follow your interests to discover your passions and you will live
a life of bliss.
9) Fear is what hol ds you apart f rom al l t hat you want . Realize
that much of what you fear is irrational and learn to analyze
your fears. Do not simply accept that there is something to be
fearful of.
10) You have a guidance syst em t hat al ert s you t o t hose
occasions when you are moving t oward what you want or away
f rom what you want . When you encounter positive emotion,
you are heading in the right direction. When you feel any
negative emotion, you are uncovering a fear and the limiting
belief behind it. Stop and analyze what you are afraid of and
realize it is irrational and has no affect on your life. Dismiss the
irrational fear and move on.
11) You have an inner sel f who can see your l if e f rom t he
higher perspect ive. Learn to communicate with your inner self
and see things from that higher, broader, and wiser perspective.
12) You have an inner worl d and an out er worl d. The outer
world is merely a reflection of your inner world. The outer
world is what you experience with your physical senses. The
inner world is what you experience with your thoughts, beliefs,
and imagination. Create from the inside out.
13) Everyt hing is right , t here is no wrong anywhere in t he
universe. If you look at something and judge it as wrong, you
are simply attached to your limit VBW'7V7F