Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2015 | Page 29

Do you know w hy you ar e m aking the m oney that you ar e m aking? Have you ever y stopped to think about w hy m oney seem ed to flow easily into your life, or w or se, w hy it doesn? Is getting the m oney t? you need alw ays a str uggle? You can thank your Wealth Consciousness for that. W hat is Wealth Consciousness? Sim ply put, your Wealth Consciousness is your r elationship w ith m oney. It is your inter nal value system sur r ounding m oney. Your life is a dir ect m anifestation of your inter nal value system , or the tr ue value (that you hold dear to your hear t) that you assign to ever ything. The section of your inter nal value system that m anifests m oney into your r eality, is know n as your Wealth Consciousness. It is the tr ue value that your hear t puts on m oney. You see m oney r epr esents an aspect of your inter nal value system ; the aspect that per tains to Wealth. A w ealthy per son puts m or e value on the aspect that per tains to m oney than the non-w ealthy per son. Let? think about this. W hat tr ue value do you hold s tr ue to your hear t of m oney? Well, the easiest w ay to answ er this question is to look at the m oney in your life. If it is abundant and flow ing, easily enter ing into your life on a continuous basis, then you ar e holding a ver y high value of m oney tr ue to your hear t, ther efor e you have a high Wealth Consciousness. How ever, is m oney is scar ce, you ar e living paycheck to paycheck , constantly w or r ied over w hether your bills w ill get paid, then you hold a ver y low value of m oney tr ue to your hear t, ther efor e you have a low Wealth Consciousness. Your Wealth Consciousness is the only key to unleash your financial independence and allow you to live your dr eam life now. W hatever value you give your Wealth Consciousness is going to deter m ine the vibr ation that you ar e tr ansm itting into the Univer se. The Law of Attr action is going to pick up on this vibr ation, and by Law, r espond by attr acting m or e of the sam e vibr ation, physically m anifesting in your life as your cur r ent m oney situation. If you have a high vibr ation, the Law of Attr action w ill r espond in your favor. If your vibr ation sur r ounding m oney is low, the Law of Attr action is going to r espond w ith m or e low situations, and m oney w ill alw ays be a str uggle. To live Wealthy and im pr ove your m oney situation, you have to r aise your Wealth Consciousness, ther efor e r aising your Vibr ational Level. Your financial futur e, the success of your business, w ealth-acquir ing ventur es, and your cur r ent flow of m oney, is dependent upon the Vibr ational Level of your Wealth Consciousness. So w hat can you do to im pr ove your Wealth Consciousness? Fir st, let? under stand how w e s ar r ived at the WC Level that you ar e at now. You see, your w ealth consciousness is built and developed by the im pr essing of w ealthy (or non-w ealthy) thoughts, w or ds, and im aginar y or r eal actions upon your subconscious m ind. M ost often, this is developed w hen you ar e a young child by the envir onm ent you gr ew up in. As childr en, our subconscious m ind is w ide open and studies have show n us that our subconscious m ind does not have the ability to r eject infor m ation. So w hatever w as fed into our thoughts as a child, w e had to accept them as tr uth. Think about w hat your sur r oundings w er e like. Did your fam ily have a positive view on m oney? Or w er e you told that you could not affor d things? M oney didn? gr ow on tr ees? You t have to w or k har d to ear n m oney? Did you feel bad asking for m oney? M ost of us gr ow up w ith som e sor t of distor ted, ?lack? filled br ain w ashing of m oney as the star ting basis of our Wealth Consciousness. The fir st step to im pr oving your Wealth Consciousness is under standing w hat level you ar e cur r ently vibr ating at so that you can change this. Then, once you under stand w her e you ar e, w e can m ake an action pl an to get you w her e you w ant to be. By im pr oving your Wealth Consciousness, you r aise your vibr ation, and the Univer se w ill im m ediately r espond and things w ill star t to change in your favor. M oney w ill Page 29 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - May, 2015