Law of Attraction Magazine June, 2015 | Page 22

Creating a Life of Optimism, Enthusiasm and Contentment By Dadi Janki, Peter Vegso, Kelly Johnson, Authors of the Book, Feeling Good Optim ism opens a door in difficult or hopeless situations. Optim ism know s that ther e is alw ays a w ay, no m atter how m any door s have been shut, and it believes that ther e is alw ays a good alter native. No m atter w hat the cr isis, an optim istic outlook w ill tell you that the situation you ar e facing is a sign that you need to find a differ ent w ay of thinking or a new w ay of doing things. Som etim es it? easy to m iss the s signal because change can be uncom for table, to say the least. No one r eally w ants to do the w or k it takes to change unless it? absolutely s necessar y, so they often ignor e the w ar ning signs until they becom e so obvious and clear that ther e is no other choice but to w ake up. Now the choice is either to heed the w ar ning and m ake a change or continue in self-delusion and fall behind on your jour ney to develop a lifetim e of feeling gr eat. But if you take the r oad that lacks optim ism instead of taking steps tow ar d r enaissance, your steps w ill lead you to com plaints, r esentm ent, or even desper ation. Opti mi sm Sweetness is a virtue that searches for the good in every person and situation. A t its heart is the conviction that there is always something positive to be found. You simply need the patience to discover it. Optim ists hold on to hope . . . they don? ignor e the r eality and t consequences of pr oblem s, but they also don? despair or lose them selves t in the chaos w hen Pandor a? Box is opened. Wor k on becom ing an s optim ist? m aintain a gentle deter m ination that w ill allow you to focus on potential alter natives and find solutions to pr oblem s. Be flexible and allow your self to be led. Com bine the ar t of m aking things happen w ith the ability to allow F