Once upon a ti me,
w e each
spoke thr ough him the essential patter ning of
ener gy that w e depict in THRIVE. The r esult w as
envisioned a life, w er e pulled tow ar d a possibility...
and then sw am like cr azy to m ake it happen.
Each sper m atozoa that becom es a hum an being w as
the cham pion in a r ace involving m illions of
contestants. That? one w ay I know ever yone I m eet is,
at their cor e, highly intentioned and has w hat it
takes... We each r esponded w hole-hear tedly and
liter ally em bodied the Law of Attr action.
In 1865, Chem ist Au gu st Kek u l e saw, in a dr eam , the
answ er to the r iddle he had been tr ying to solve ? the
m olecular str uctur e of Benzene. Car bon chains
for m ed a snake biting its ow n tail, and w hen he
the br eakthr ough books The Divine Iliad and the
Secr et of Light.
Philosopher, cosm ologist and inventor of the Bell
helicopter, Ar t h u r M . You n g asked to be show n
in a dr eam the pr ocess of how consciousness
evolves thr oughout the cosm os. That night he had
a dr eam of sliding headfir st dow n a stair case and
then angling up again at the bottom . This w as the
seed that gr ew into his m aster w or k , THE
Consciousness, and its Ar c of Pr ocess.
aw oke, he knew the vision w as cor r ect. But if he had
not studied the language of chem istr y, or if he hadn?
been w or king har d to under stand the myster y, the
r evelation w ould have been m eaningless, or pr obably
w ouldn? have appear ed at all.
Visionar y ar tist and scientist Wal t er Ru ssel l asked to
be show n the secr ets of how the univer se w or ks and
w ent into a tr ance for days, dur ing w hich a voice
And it? not just scientists benefiting fr om the
dynam ic of the Law of Attr action. Other
innovator s w ho had epic br eakthr oughs in a
vision include El i as How e (the sew ing m achine),
Jam es Cam er on (Ter m inator and Avatar ), Pau l
M cCar t n ey (Yester day) and m any m or e.
Br eakthr ough visions m ight happen lying on the
couch, but potent applications of those visions
seem to entail dedicated pr epar ation, like the
diligent w or k of a far m er pr epar ing the soil, as
w ell as the per sever ance to apply the gift the
univer se gives us in r esponse to our passionate,
Page 5 - The Science Behind Law of At t ract ion Magazine - May, 2015