Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 48

Ar e You a NOW War r ior or a Wor r ier ? By Paula Kidd Casey The Law yer of At t r act ion The secr et for bot h mind and body is not t o mour n for t he past , wor r y about t he f ut ur e, or ant icipat e t r ouble, but t o live in t he pr esent moment w isely and ear nest ly. ? Buddha A topic that doesn?t come up much outside of new age workshops? living in the present moment? is essential to claiming our genuine abundance. For most of us, we use the precious present moment in these ways: · Fret about the past glass ball for that first cup of coffee. Most of the time there are dozens of rainbows adorning the room. But sometimes I am so grumpy or myopic or fixated on the day, I don?t pay attention to my surroundings. I miss the rainbows. I miss the ?now.? They are always present. I, however, am not. We need to be ?now warriors.? We need to grab it, claim it, and live it. It?s all we ever have. It?s our only true connection to actions, to hugs, to our dreams, and to divinity. Most of us are not now warriors. Most of us are simply worriers. · Worry about the future · Make a mental shopping list · Become catatonic from devices When I was a little girl, after spending the night with my grandparents, I would run downstairs in the morning. More often than not, hundreds of rainbows would be all over the living room walls, ceiling, and floor. I asked my grandmother why she had rainbows. She answered that it was a happy house, conveniently leaving out the fact that the east-facing front door had cut glass surrounding it, causing the light to refract. Years later, when I discovered this magical trick, I placed a cut- glass crystal in an east window, where it still resides today. Each morning I stumble to the kitchen past the window with the dangling ?The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is Now.? ? Buddha Wor r ier or War r ior ? Which one are you? Your answer to that question makes such a huge difference in finding your abundant life. A worrier is someone who constantly frets about the past and fears the future. A worrier is so enmeshed in thinking thoughts of other times or problems or grocery lists or worries that he or she completely misses out on the present moment. A worrier trades the magically mundane of the Page 48 - Nov., 2018 4