Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 45

Libra (23 Sept ember ? 22 Oct ober) - You may get pushed into the spotlight, but not necessarily for accolades. Work methods are questioned. People feel that you are stealing too much of the show and showing little for it. You'll therefore deal with obstacles, delays, inadvertencies or other complications coming from a malfunction of the relationship.Communications with your boss could also generate some friction or annoyances. Make sure you clarify everything to avoid the potential for problems. You may have a rather tense confrontation with your finances that relate to what you're trying to accomplish. In December, an adjustment or course change is indicated that will relate to your beliefs in some way. Favorabl e Dat es : Nov 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21 Dec 1, 6, 10, 15, 19, 24 Favorabl e Col ors : Bl ue & Whit e Scorpio (23 Oct ober - 21 November) - You may get pushed into the spotlight, but not necessarily for accolades. Work methods are questioned. People feel that you are stealing too much of the show and showing little for it. You'll therefore deal with obstacles, delays, inadvertencies or other complications coming from a malfunction of the relationship.Communications with your boss could also generate some friction or annoyances. Make sure you clarify everything to avoid the potential for problems. You may have a rather tense confrontation with your finances that relate to what you're trying to accomplish. In December, an adjustment or course change is indicated that will relate to your beliefs in some way. Favorabl e Dat es : Nov 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21 Dec 1, 6, 10, 15, 19, 24 Favorabl e Col ors : Bl ue & Whit e Sagit t arius ( 22 November - 21 December ) - If there is something you need to organize and bring to fruition that will pave the way to your dream job or career, now is the time to make the necessary adjustments to make it so.You may learn something now which provides an entirely new direction for your life. You will ponder your relationship with the people you work with, particularly if you also socialize with any of them. This period would be bringing energy and drive to your creativity, children, romantic endeavours or perhaps any speculation you're considering. A change of course is indicated from 15th November due to an unexpected event, sudden brainstorm, or other form of enlightenment. Favorabl e Dat es : Nov 4, 8, 13, 26, 22, 26 Dec 2, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24 Favorabl e Col ors : Yel l ow & Bl ue Capricorn ( 22 December ? 19 January ) - This period will be useful for your thoughts that relate to your possessions, finances or determining how best to meet your needs, which is likely to also involve some unexpected event or brainstorm in some way. This period will turn your senses upside down and will stir your hormones up making them cry for adventure, love and pleasure. Unexpected news from one of your friends is likely or perhaps a sudden encounter that turns out to be a pleasant surprise. Adjustments that involve an expansion to your goals or perhaps your social circle are also likely and will relate somehow to that restructuring in progress with your work or health. Favorabl e Dat es : Nov 1, 5, 10, 14, 19, 23 Dec 5, Aquarius (20 January ? 18 February) - There are some long-term aspects out there to help you move at a pace that is reasonably comfortable. Getting married or divorced, graduating from school, obtaining a license, getting a promotion or conversely, getting fired, buying property, and so forth. Set aside some time to pay some loving attention to those closest to you and you just might find that all people need is little love. It's important that you stay within the limits of discipline and that you pay attention to what you say, write, sign. Take a few moments to relax in the evening and wax philosophical so you can put it all into the proper perspective. Favorabl e Dat es: Nov 1, 7, 10, 16, 19, 25 Dec 3, 7, 12, 16, 21, 25 Favorabl e Col ors : Yel l ow & Bl ue Pisces ( 19 February ? 20 March ) - You can expect the unexpected, particularly with regard to your friends, organizational ties, or even your goals. An opportunity is likely, so follow your hunches. You may have a breakthrough to pursue one of your long-held dreams.. Make sure to maintain your usual conservative approach there as well or at least make sure you do extensive research before taking some massive risk. Relationships at home should be pleasant and supportive regarding any unexpected developments. In love relations it would be more prudent not to make strong commitments unless you've analyzed the implications very carefully or you've asked for advice from somebody competent in the matter or it's about an older initiative. Favorabl e Dat es : Nov 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21 Dec 4, 9, 13, 18, 22, 27 Favorabl e Col ors : Red & Whit e Page 45 - Nov., 2018 4