Law of Attraction Magazine Holiday Issue (Nov./Dec., 2018 | Page 4
H ap p y H o l i d ay s!
B y t h e Ed i t o r - I n - C h i ef ,
Jew el s Jo h n so n
Wow! I just love my job! Because of this magazine, I get to interview some of the most
fascinating people and celebrities! I would have to say that James Van Praagh is definitely one of
my favorites. He has such a gentle and loving energy about him. Yet, he is literally a major star,
having had Ted Danson actually portray him in James' movie biography! I also did not realize that
he was the creator of one of my all time favorite TV Series, 'The Ghost Whisperer.' He is so big in
life and yet one of the most unpretentious person I have ever met. I felt like we were long lost
friends and I could tell him anything. This must be the secret to his success!
Isn't it amazing how fast this year has gone by... and even more amazing is the realization of how
fast life goes by. When you are ten years old, you dream about being an adult, in charge of your
life. And when you hit 65, you realize how great your life was at the age of ten! When we look to
the future instead of appreciating life as it is, we miss so much. Paul a Kidd Casey wrote a
wonderful article that I highly recommend reading...'Are You a Now Warrior or a Worrier?' Paula
really stays focused on living in the present moment which allows us to continue to experience
our life fully while being much happier!
As James Van Praagh points out, we are on planet earth to experience and learn lessons. Life is a
school and then we go home. James takes the fear out of dying, because there is no such thing as
death. His wonderful story of how he helped Debbie Ford transition was so moving. I think all of
us can related, because few of us know what's really behind that invisible curtain.
But you can open that curtain a bit by simply asking for a sign from a loved one who has died.
You will notice that in a day or two a sign will hit you in the face and you will laugh with absolute
joy. Try it, because that will help you to shift vibrationally to a higher level and completely change
your perception about life in general.
James also gives us valuable tips on what to do during the holidays, especially when a friend of
loved one has passed. Set a place setting at your holiday table or write them a letter to them.
Then return a week later and allow them to write a letter through you. This keeps you connected
and opens up that third eye to reveal so much more!
This is really a great issue full of business advice, numerology advice, along with very powerful
healing advice with Dr. Toni Comacho. Looking for a medium? Well, we got them in this issue,
ready to deliver messages immediately: Dr. J, Bet h Lynch and Jul ie Ryan. Let them deliver to you
a holiday message from your loved ones on the other side.
Finally, if you want to learn more about the Law of Attraction, then join us for a 5 Night cruise to
the Caribbean. Our Law of Attraction experts will help get your mind in sync to start manifesting
the things you want. There is nothing more wonderful than having a group of like-minded (and
curious) people having a powerful life experience together! Hope you can join us!
Have a wonderful Holiday Season and we will back with our January 1 issue of Law of Attraction
Page 4 -Nov, 2018